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SN54/74LS365A SN54/74LS366A 3-STATE HEX BUFFERS SN54/74LS367A SN54/74LS368A These devices are high speed hex buffers with 3-state outputs. They are organized as single 6-bit or 2-bit / 4-bit, with inverting or non-inverting data (D) paths. The outputs are designed to drive 15 TTL Unit Loads or 60 Low Power Schottky loads when the Enable (E) is LOW. When the Output Enable (E) is HIGH, the outputs are forced to a high 3-STATE HEX BUFFERS impedance "off" state. If the outputs of the 3-state devices are tied together, all but one device must be in the high impedance state to avoid high currents LOW POWER SCHOTTKY that would exceed the maximum ratings. Designers should ensure that Output Enable signals to 3-state devices whose outputs are tied together are designed so there is no overlap. J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 620-09 16 1 N SUFFIX PLASTIC 16 CASE 648-08 1 D SUFFIX SOIC 16 1 CASE 751B-03 ORDERING INFORMATION SN54LSXXXJ Ceramic

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