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JVC AV14BJ8 free download

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File name:AV-14BJ8.part1.rar
Size:1423 kB
Model:AV14BJ8 🔎
Descr:Service manual: AV14BJ8ENS / AV14BM8ENS AV14BJ8EPS / AV14BM8EPS AV14BJ8EES / AV14BM8EES
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name AV-14BJ8.pdf

AV14BJ8ENS / AV14BM8ENS AV14BJ8EPS / AV14BM8EPS AV14BJ8EES / AV14BM8EES SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS COLOUR TELEVISION AV14BJ8ENS / AV14BM8ENS AV14BJ8EPS / AV14BM8EPS AV14BJ8EES / AV14BM8EES CD-ROM No.SML200204 RM-C1100 TV AV14BJ8 AV14BM8 CONTENTS NOTE ON USING CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS SEMICONDUCTOR SHAPES BLOCK DIAGRAM DIFFERENCE LIST CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS PATTERN DIAGRAMS VOLTAGE TABLES WAVEFORM DIAGRAMS 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-19 2-23 2-24 COPYRIGHT 2002 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LTD. No.51999 Apr. 2002 AV14BJ8ENS / AV14BM8ENS AV14BJ8EPS / AV14BM8EPS AV14BJ8EES / AV14BM8EES AV14BJ8ENS / AV14BM8ENS AV14BJ8EPS / AV14BM8EPS AV14BJ8EES / AV14BM8EES DIFFERENCE LIST EN SYMBOL Z402 S406 S407 Z403 IC403 Q455 Q456 Q457 Z401 Z404 D404 D405 R465 C451 R461 R462 R467 R468 R563 R463 R464 VESTEL CODE 30001724 30012985 30012985 30012622 30014522 ----------------DESCRIPTION FILTER SER TRAP TPS 5.5MHZ JUMPER SMD 0603 JUMPER SMD 0603 FILTER SAW G1975M IC STV2246 (SHRINK56) ----------------VESTEL CODE ---30001690 30014510 30001457 30001457 30001457 30001728 30001707 30012411 30012411 30012508 30012567 30012641 30012641 30012641 30012641 30012692 30012696 30012696 EP DESCRIPTION ---FILTER SAW K2962M IC STV2248 (SHRINK56) TR BC848B SMD TR BC848B SMD TR BC848B SMD TRIPLE TRAP TPT02B FILTER SAW L9453M DIODE BA782 SMD DIODE BA782 SMD RES SMD 1/16W 1.8K J (0603) CAP SMD 220PF 50V J (0603) RES SMD 1/16W 10K J (0603) RES SMD 1/16W 10K J (0603) RES SMD 1/16W 10K J (0603) RES SMD 1/16W 10K J (0603) RES SMD 1/16W 4.7K J (0603) RES SMD 1/16W 47K J (0603) RES SMD 1/16W 47K J (0603) AV14BJ8ENS / AV14BM8ENS AV14BJ8EPS / AV14BM8EPS AV14BJ8EES / AV14BM8EES STANDARD CIRCUIT DIAGRAM NOTE ON USING CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 1.SAFETY The components identified by the symbol and shading are critical for safety. For continued safety replace safety critical components only with manufactures recommended parts. Withstand voltage No indication Others :DC50[V] :DC withstand voltage [V] 2.SPECIFIED VOLTAGE AND WAVEFORM VALUES The voltage and waveform values have been measured under the following conditions. (1)Input signal (2)Setting positions of each knob/button and variable resistor (3)Internal resistance of tester (4)Oscilloscope sweeping time : Colour bar signal AC indicated :AC withstand voltage [V] Electrolytic Capacitors 47/50[Example]:Capacitance value [µF]/withstand voltage[V] Type No indication MM PP MPP MF TF BP TAN (3)Coils No unit Others :[ µ H] :As specified :Ceramic capacitor :Metalized mylar capacitor :Polypropylene capacitor :Metalized polypropylene capacitor :Metalized film capacitor :Thin film capacitor :Bipolar electrolytic capacitor :Tantalum capacitor : Original setting position when shipped :DC 20k :H :V :Others /V 20µS/div 5mS/div Sweeping time is specified EN SYMBOL Z401 Z402 Z403 IC403 VESTEL CODE -30001724 30012622 30014522 DESCRIPTION -FILTER SER TRAP TPS 5.5MHZ FILTER SAW G1975M IC STV2246 (SHRINK56) VESTEL CODE 30001728 -30012544 30014510 EE DESCRIPTION TRIPLE TRAP TPT02B -FILTE

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