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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Datasheets UCC SMD pxf.pdf
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CONDUCTIVE POLYMER ALUMINUM SOLID CAPACITORS Surface Mount Upgrade! @Super low ESR, impedance and high heat resistance have been obtained by using PXF conductive polymer as electrolyte. @Rated voltage range : 2.5 to 6.3Vdc, Capacitance range : 220 to 1,000MF Lower ESR @Case size range : F6.3B5.8L to F8B7.7L @Suitable for DC-DC converters, voltage regulators and decoupling applications used on PXE computer motherboards etc. @RoHS Compliant ?SPECIFICATIONS Items Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 2.5 to 6.3Vdc Capacitance Tolerance P20% (M) (at 20C, 120Hz) Surge Voltage Rated voltageB1.15 (at 105C) Leakage Current Shall not exceed values shown in STANDARD RATINGS. (at 20C after 2 minutes) Dissipation Factor (tane) 0.12 max. (at 20C, 120Hz) Low Temperature Characteristics Z(-25C)/Z(+20C)[1.15 (Max. Impedance Ratio) Z(-55C)/Z(+20C)[1.25 (at 100kHz) Endurance The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2,000 hours at 105C. Appearance No significant damage Capacitance change [P20% of the initial value DF (tanE) [150% of the initial specified value ESR [150% of the initial specified value Leakage current [The initial specified value Bias Humidity

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