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Tomato 5STX free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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File name:5STX (VER_ 1_10).pdf
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Model:5STX 🔎
Original:5STX v1.1 🔎
Descr:Motherboard Manual
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
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File name 5STX (VER_ 1_10).pdf

ZIDA TECHNOLOGIES INC. 5STX (VER. 1.10) Device Type Processor Processor Speed Chip Set Video Chip Set Maximum Onboard Memory Maximum Video Memory Cache BIOS Dimensions I/O Options NPU Options Mainboard CX 6X86/IBM 6X86/AM K5/AM K6/Pentium/Pentium MMX 90/100/120/133/150/166/200/233MHz Intel 430TX None 256MB (EDO & SDRAM supported) None 256/512KB Award 220mm x 204mm 32-bit PCI slots (3), floppy drive interface, green PC connector, IDE interfaces (2), PS/2 mouse interface, serial ports (2), IR connector, USB connectors (2) None CONNECTIONS Purpose Serial port 1 Floppy drive interface IDE interface 1 IDE interface 2 Serial port 2 Parallel port USB connector 1 PS/2 mouse interface USB connector 2 Location J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 JP2/pins 1 - 5 JP2/pins 6 ­ 10 JP2/pins 11 ­ 15 Purpose IR connector PCI media connector ISA media connector Power LED & keylock Green PC connector Speaker IDE interface LED Reset switch 32-bit PCI slots Location JP2/pins 16 - 20 JP6 JP7 JP10/pins 1 ­ 5 JP10/pins 7 & 8 JP10/pins 10 ­ 13 JP10/pins 14 & 15 JP10/pins 22 & 23 PC1 ­ PC3 USER CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS Function » CMOS memory normal operation CMOS memory clear » » » Factory configured - do not alter Factory configured - do not alter Factory configured - do not alter Label JP3 JP3 JP8 JP9 JP12 Position Pins 2 & 3 closed Pins 1 & 2 closed Unidentified Unidentified Unidentified SIMM CONFIGURATION Size 8MB 16MB 16MB 24MB 32MB 32MB 40MB 48MB 64MB 64MB 72MB 80MB 96MB Bank 0 (2) 1M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 (2) 1M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 Bank 1 None None (2) 1M x 36 (2) 1M x 36 None (2) 2M x 36 (2) 1M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 None (2) 4M x 36 (2) 1M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 SIMM CONFIGURATION (CON'T) Size 128MB 128MB 136MB 144MB 160MB 192MB 256MB Bank 0 (2) 8M x 36 (2) 16M x 36 (2) 16M x 36 (2) 16M x 36 (2) 16M x 36 (2) 16M x 36 (2) 16M x 36 Bank 1 (2) 8M x 36 None (2) 1M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 (2) 16M x 36 Note: Board accepts EDO memory. DIMM CONFIGURATION Size 8MB 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB 256MB Bank 2 (1) 1M x 64 (1) 2M x 64 (1) 4M x 64 (1) 8M x 64 (1) 16M x 64 (1) 32M x 64 Note: Board accepts SDRAM memory. CACHE CONFIGURATION Size 256KB 512KB Bank 0 (2) 32K x 32 (2) 64K x 32 TAG Unidentified Unidentified CPU SPEED SELECTION (CX 6X86) CPU speed 133MHz 166MHz 200MHz Clock speed 55MHz 66MHz 75MHz Multiplier 2x 2x 2x JP4 3 & 5, 4 & 6 2 & 4, 3 & 5 1 & 3, 4 & 6 JP5 1&2 2&3 1&2 JP11 1 & 3, 4 & 6 1 & 3, 4 & 6 1 & 3, 4 & 6 Note: Pins designated should be in the closed position. CPU SPEED SELECTION (IBM 6X86) CPU speed 133MHz 166MHz 200MHz Clock speed 55MHz 66MHz 75MHz Multiplier 2x 2x 2x JP4 3 & 5, 4 & 6 2 & 4, 3 & 5 1 & 3, 4 & 6 JP5 1&2 2&3 1&2 JP11 1 & 3, 4 & 6 1 & 3, 4 & 6 1 & 3, 4 & 6 Note: Pins designated should be in the closed position. CPU SPEED SELECTION (AM K5) CPU speed 90MHz 100MHz 133MHz 150MHz 166MHz Clock speed 60MHz 66MHz 66MHz 60

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