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Now downloading free:PASSLAB Pass-Labs Aleph-P Rev.1.7 sm

PASSLAB Pass-Labs Aleph-P Rev.1.7 sm free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:Pass-Labs_Aleph-P_Rev.1.7_sm.pdf
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Model:Pass-Labs Aleph-P Rev.1.7 sm 🔎
Original:Pass-Labs Aleph-P Rev.1.7 sm 🔎
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File name Pass-Labs_Aleph-P_Rev.1.7_sm.pdf

PASS ALEPH P SERVICE MANUAL REV 1.7 PASS LABORATORIES 24449 FORESTHILL RD. FORESTHILL, CA 95631 TEL (916) 367-3690 FAX (916) 367-219 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Version 1.7 The ALEPH P is a high performance Mosfet Class A audio preamplifier, intended for maximum performance in reproduction of music. It is a simple design, having only a single balanced gain stage consisting of a balanced pair of power Mosfets. The gain stage of the preamplifier is a single Mosfet operated common source and biased by a Mosfet constant current source. To best understand the operation of the preamplifier, refer to the schematic of the basic gain stage. Q16 and Q19 form the active portion of the gain stage, with Q16 receiving the (+) balanced input signal, and Q19 receiving the (-) balanced input signal. The inputs are capacitively coupled through C9 and C13. R50 and R65 are employed to prevent parasitic oscillation, and the D5-6 and D7-8 protect the Mosfets from electrostatic high voltages at the input. The Mosfets amplify the input signals and present them at the outputs, with the polarity inverted, so that the output of Q16 becomes the (-) signal, and the output of Q19 becomes the (+) output. When using the preamplifier with a single-ended input, the negative input should be shorted to ground for best performance. This is accomplished by using shorting plug between pins 1 and 3 on the XLR input connector. The power supply transformer delivers approximately 80 volts (for 120 or 240 VAC operation) unregulated DC into C28 and C30, which is then actively regulated down to 60 volts at the output of Q23. Q23 is driven by a stack of Zener diodes and the regulated output is additionally filtered by C27. The output muting relay is controlled by the circuits of Q21 and Q22. For the relay to activate, both Q21 and Q22 must be conducting. Q22 turns on slowly via the charge on C31, while Q21 will only conduct when there is at least 8 volts difference between regulated and unregulated supplies. Thus Q22 delays relay turn on, and Q21 shuts it off quickly. The input selection system schematic shows the simple use of relays to switch four inputs with four poles of connection. The input pad settings are as follows (only 3 settings) 1.3 dB 3,4 5,6 on 9.7 dB all off 15 dB 1,2 7,8 on The volume control system schematic shows the 8 bit binary relay ladder circuits which perform precision attenuation of the output of the gain stages. In order to achieve good common mode rejection performance, the output attenuation must be matched far more precisely than can be accomplished with potentiometers, and so relays and precision resistors are used. The control circuitry is located on the front panel PC board of the preamp. The main elements are the micro-controller, latches, infrared receiver and optical encoders. U201 is a Phillips 87C752 micro-controller running at 12MHz. It receives input from the infrared receiver module via Q204 inverter buf

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