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Now downloading free:Sears 26-26 Sears Kenmore Direct Drive Washer

Sears 26-26 Sears Kenmore Direct Drive Washer free download

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File name:26-26 Sears Kenmore Direct Drive Washer.pdf
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Model:26-26 Sears Kenmore Direct Drive Washer 🔎
Original:26-26 Sears Kenmore Direct Drive Washer 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Sears 26-26 Sears Kenmore Direct Drive Washer.pdf
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File name 26-26 Sears Kenmore Direct Drive Washer.pdf

tl 1-\ DCATS rl sr",rasoxs Depa,rtment 731A Tbronto !l TECHNICAL FLASH T.F.lt26-26 July 18, 1985 DIVISION26 SOURCE l10 C DIRECT DRIVE I.IASHINGI'{ACHINE Due to the number of caLls I have recelved from the field ln regards to the Direct Drive Washlng Machines that customers are brlnglng in fron the United States' I feel that lt ls appropriate at this tlme to lssue the followlng information to the ServLce Departrnents. divirion 26 direct dtive ruothingrnochine 73IA .LARRY SIDES DEPARTMENT 731A - ERIC BRUGIER DEPARTMENT r.F.{126-26 T.F. #26-25 i CONTENTS PAGE 1 INSTALLATION 4 C A B IN ET REMOVAL 6 BASKET REMovAL 7 TUBREMOVAL 8 susPENsroN 9 DRIVETUBEAND BRAKEASS'Y 1 1 MOTOR 12 GEARCASE 18 PUMP 19 MOTOR IRCUIT C 23 PUMP 24 GEARcASE REMoVAL 27 BEARINGS AND sEALs 31 SCHEMATIc T.E.#26-26 I N T R O D U C I N GH E T TOTALLYNEWDIRECT DRIVEWASHINGMACHINE This new 24-inch clothes washer has a new SUSPENSION SYSTEM. CABINET CONSTRUCTION, GEARCASE DRIVE and SYSTEM. ffif ..ffi,.yil:rHrfi,,, . OTCIIJTCTI SHAfT TMR a t{twntaRsttFtIvtUt{G MfCHAiIISM New featuresof the machineare . a liltw GtARcAsi a iltw ctuTcN ; . i/fW BNAXT tF$! . IltW WATTR PUMP a r\itwsusPtNsloilsYsltM a Ntw RtMovaErf caStt{tl 0tsr6N

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