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Now downloading free:B&K 1602 Instruction Manual

B&K 1602 Instruction Manual free download

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I SOLIDSTATE, HIGH.VOLTAGE, REGULATED DC POWER SUPPLY i trIYNASCAN COF|POF|ATION CONTENTS PAGE SPECIFICATIONS 3 FEATI.JRES 3 INTRODUCTION 4 OPERATINGCONTROLS 4 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS 5 APPLICATIONS ...7 DESCRIPTION CIRCI.JIT . . .I1 MAINTENANCE ...13 CALIBRATION . l3 FUSEREPLACEMENT . .. .14 WARRANTY Cov- 3 SPECIFICATIONS FEATURES INPUT VOLTAGE 105- I25VAC,60 Hz Fully solid state,utilizingintegrated circuits, silicontransis- 4OOV SUPPLY DC tors and diodesand one SCR.Among the advantages of solidstateconstruction dependability, warm-uftime are no Output Voltage: 0 - 400V, continuously vari- or stabilizationdelay,ruggedness, compact size. able. Current Umiting/OverloadProtection: Protectsload and OutputCurrent: 0 - 20OmA. instrument againstoverload. Pre-settable automatic current GrrrentLimit Adjust- lOmA to 200rnA, continu- shutdown, fully adjlstablefrom l0rnA to 200mAprovided ment/Protection: ously variable-sets trip cur- on.theB+ output. Resistive limiting protectsthe C- supply rent to shut-down supplyout- andload.The6.3VACandthe 12.6{IAC heater windingdinb put. loads protected a resettable are by circuitbreaker. LoadRegulation: 0.1% highend. at Simplified Cunent ShutdownSetting: PermitssettingB+ Line Regulation: 0.t%. current shutdownpoint without disturbing external load Noise& Ripple: Less than lOmVpeak-to-peak. connections output voltagesettings; or does not require applicationof short circuit to output terminals.sirirply press button and adju

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