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Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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SERVICE Whirlpool Europe Customer Services AWG 775 Service Manual Washing machine Frontloader AWG 775 Model Version AWG 775 8537 775 53000 Technical data Technical data Spare part list Exploded view Exploded view Wiring diagram Circuit diagram Program diagram Page 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This documentation is only intended for qualified technicians who are aware of the respective safety regulations. Date: 20.12.1995 Subject to modification Document-No.: 4812 712 11178 20.12.1995 / Page 2 Doc. No: 4812 712 11178 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Technical data Dimension Height Width Depth Weight Net weight With package General specifications Voltage Frequency Connected load Fuse Drum data Volume Drum speed 48 l 220-240± 10% 50 2,2 10 V Hz kW A ~ 82 ~ 79 kg kg 85,0 59,6 52,0 cm cm cm Drain pump Power consumption Capacity Rotation speed Height of drain hose ~ 34 20-25 ~ 2800 max.0,9 min. 0,6 W l/min rpm m m Motor Type Timer Type 914/1420 Thetimerprogramchartincludes3basicprogrammes normal washing delicate washing wool Thermostat A - a fixed thermostat B - an adjustable thermostat Pressostat 37± 3 10 - 90 °C °C AC - SERIES Washing Pre-spinning Spinning low Spinning high Volume 50 120 500 1000 rpm rpm rpm rpm Quantity of water at switching point without laundry Low level 11 ± 1 High level 24 ± 1 Push button switch unit l l Capacity max.4,5 dry laundry kg Version with 4 buttons having switches for: ON/OFF Rapid wash Gentle wash Half load Potentiometer Rotative logarithmitic type100k Resistance value (open at end of clockwise rotation) Electrical building parts Heating Type Rated power draft Mains Voltage Tubular radiator ~ 1,9 kW 240 V SERVICE Technical data Control unit Whirlpool Europe Customer Service 20.12.1995 / Page 3 Doc. No: 4812 712 11178 Type Connection of the control unit W - Main wash D - Pre-spinning S - Spinning A1 D23 (4819 214 78443) contacts 7-37 of the timer contacts 7-27 of the timer contacts 3-23 and 5-25 of the timer SERVICE Spare part list Model Service No. Version Pos. No. 12NC Code 001 0 004 1 011 0 013 0 021 0 024 0 025 0 030 0 034 2 034 3 040 0 053 0 061 0 061 1 080 0 081 0 083 1 084 0 086 0 110 0 130 0 130 1 131 0 141 0 143 0 144 0 144 1 190 0 190 1 190 2 200 0 201 0 201 1 220 0 271 0 272 0 292 0 301 0 303 0 331 0 335 0 337 0 341 0 401 0 401 1 421 0 430 0 432 0 451 0 490 0 4819 440 19578 4819 462 79386 4819 462 48157 4819 310 38995 4819 453 19373 4819 440 19611 4819 404 78667 4819 440 19674 4819 492 68458 4819 532 68243 4819 417 19232 4819 440 19566 4819 466 89118 4819 466 89078 4819 492 68215 4812 463 48002 4819 466 88986 4819 462 48049 4819 401 18607 4819 498 69247 4819 401 18538 4819 535 38062 4819 404 48484 4819 450 69519 4819 532 28159 4819 532 28161 4819 466 88781 4819 466 69828 4819 492 38119 4819 492 68515 4819 418 18294 4819 418 78808 4819 532 28209 4819 418 18284 4819 358 18138 4819 528 88075 4819 466 69797 4819 453 19603 4819 498 78082 4819 413 78658 4819 412 58476 4819 412 58477 4819 412 5

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