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Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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SERVICE POINTER AWM312 FRONT LOAD WASHING MACHINE Issue Issued Page :1 : 20 July 2001 : 1 of 6 WARNING : DISCONNECT THE MACHINE FROM THE POWER POINT BEFORE PERFORMING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CHECKS Remove the machine top. All of the following checks can be performed without removing the machine front panel CHECKING INDIVIDUAL MACHINE COMPONENTS Push Button Switches - Figure 1 To check the push button control panel switches, unplug the edge connectors on the timer, set the Ohmmeter to the lowest scale and test between the points indicated in Figure 1. By pressing each switch, the indicated resistance will change from minimum to maximum. Remember that the Start switch button must be held in to keep the switch contacts closed Temperature and Speed Selector Switches - Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 To check the speed selector switch, unplug the speed selector switch edge connector from the timer and connect the Ohmmeter leads as shown in Figure 2 (taking care not to damage the edge connector contacts). Rotate the switch and compare the meter readings with the table in the Technical Data section of the appropriate service manual Cold Water Valve - Figure 1 Select an Ohmmeter range of 5k or greater and compare the reading with the valve resistance given in the Technical data section of the service manual. The valve resistance is generally in the order of 3 k F Not Prewash Not Rinse Hold Intensive ECO Used Switch Switch Used Switch Rinse Switch Start Temperature 1/2 Load Rapid Cold Water Speed Switch Valve Selector Selector Switch Switch Figure 1 SERVICE POINTER AWM312 FRONT LOAD WASHING MACHINE Issue Issued Page :1 : 20 July 2001 : 2 of 6 Switch Connections Switch Connections Figure 3 Speed Selector Edge Connector Figure 4 Temperature Selector Edge Connector Figure 2 Checking Speed Selector Switch Door Safety Switch - Figure 5 With the power disconnected, the only component of the door safety switch that can be checked is bi-metal heater. Typically, the cold resistance of the safety switch bi-metal heater (Terminals 3 & 5) is 0.7 - 0.8 k Drain Pump - Figure 5 Check the resistance of the drain pump against the figure given in the Technical Data section of the service manual. Temperature Sensor (NTC) - Figure 5 Estimate the temperature at the sensor and check the resistance of the NTC against the figures given in the table in the Technical Data section of the service manual. Figure 5 SERVICE POINTER AWM312 FRONT LOAD WASHING MACHINE Motor - Figures 5 and 6 Check the resistance of the motor components against the figures given in the Technical Data section of the service manual. It is possible to get large variations in the resistance of the armature (Terminals 4 & 5) as the circuit is via the motor brushes. Move the washing drum slightly to obtain a readable figure. If the motor is very hot, the thermal overload may have opened. Allow to cool before testing. BEWARE: The resistance of most of the motor parts are very low and few multimeters are capab

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