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Now downloading free:Panasonic NV-VZ75

Panasonic NV-VZ75 free download

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File name:NV-VZ75.part5.RAR
[preview NV-VZ75]
Size:999 kB
Model:NV-VZ75 🔎 NVVZ75
Original:NV-VZ75 🔎
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video cameras
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File name s_bwcvf.pdf

NOTES : For the destination of each signal and further line connections that are cut off from this diagram, refer to "7.1 BOARD INTERCONNECTIONS". When ordering parts, be sure to order according to the Part Number indicated in the Parts List. R7321 R7317 G BWBLEVEL Q7303 R7315 10K * CN11 R7322 120 * * VF_BLK Q7305 DTC144EE-X REG_3.2V SCK3 GAMMA C7316 R7337 * C7314 REG_4.8V 0.1 R7316 33K IC7302 * R7338 C7313 C7323 0.1 R7318 R7319 R7320 * * * Q7304 F * VF_CS HOLD_INV_F C7315 * * * CN9012 * GND BWVFADJ RENON RENEN HCLKN HPLN VF_BLK VREF GND BW_VDD REG_4.8V BW_VEE BW_COM HLTOR HODL VPLN VCKN VIDHI PDR GND SO3 CN11 R7339 CVF_SO3 CVF_SCK3 CVF_CS C7324 0.1 C7312 0.001 * VIDCH VDD_CAP VIDLC OK NC NC BLACK_LEVEL GAMMA E GND REG+12V C7317 D7301 MA111-X * R7336 0 NC NC VDDH RENO VF_CTL * R7334 * L7301 V_REF VSS RENE VBG VIDL HPL HCK REG_4.8V V_PLS_ON 0 R7329 Q7309 CN9025 * * * C7318 1 L7302 NQR0006-001X C7311 0.1 TEST R7335 Q7308 SEL_PDR VBAT IC7301 MCVVQ111FB VDD VEE V_COM HODL VPL VCK C7310 4.7 C7309 0.1 * * Q7312 D GND BWVFADJ * C7321 1 C7308 0.1 A_VBAT H_SYNC V_SYNC PLL_FILTER VHIO_SEL HOLD_SEL REF_GND VIDEO_IN OSD_IN A_GND CLAMP SLEEP VDCVF HDCVF CN25 BWVFADJ GND * VIDH SYFLTR 525/625 D_GND A_GND GAIN C BWYGAIN BWYOUT CN12 R7307 2.2k BW_VF_Y GND VF_BL4.8 T C7302 C7303 0.1 C7307 0.1 R7312 * R7301 R7303 1.2K R7302 R7309 0 Q7301 2SA1774/QR/-X C7329 270 0.1 PDR R7313 F7301 R7326 * R7327 R7324 B * R7330 L7304 * * * C7326 * R7306 C7304 C7306 0.01 0 R7331 * * Q7310 R7332 * * * R7325 1.1K 1 C7305 C7320 180p 0 Q7307 * Q7306 R7305 R7304 C7301 560 0 * R7333 * C7325 T * Q7311 * R7308 0.022 * * * * 0 1 MAIN (BW/CVF) GAIN A NOTE : The parts with marked ( ) is not used. * NV-VZ75EM/EN/ENC/ENS, NV-RZ15EM/B/EG/EGE/EGM/EN/ENC/ENS BW/CVF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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