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Mc INTOSH hfe mcintosh ma6100 service info en free download

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MA 6100 PREAMP AMPLIFIER SERVICE INFORMATION STARTING WITH S E R I A L NO. AE1001 MA 6100 MclNTOSH LABORATORY INC. 2 CHAMBERS STREET BINGHAMTON, NEW Y O R K MA 6 1 0 0 P E R F O R M A N C E LIMITS PERFORMANCE RATINGS Mclntosh audio power ratings are in accordance OUTPUT VOLTAGE with the Federal Trade Commission Regulation of At TAPE output: Aux, Tape, Tuner: 300 mV with November 4, 1974 concerning power output claims input for amplifiers used in home entertainment products. Phono: 300 mV with rated input; 1.2 volts with 1.0 mV input at 1000 POWER OUTPUT Hz Tape Hd: 300 mV at 500 Hz with 70 watts minimum sine wave continuous rated input average power output, per channel, DAMPING FACTOR both channels operating into 8 ohms 50 at 8 ohms output load impedance which is: 100 at 16 ohms output INPUT SENSITIVITY AND IMPEDANCE 23.7 volts RMS across 8 ohms Power Amplifier: 3 volts, 100,000 ohms 40 watts minimum sine wave continuous Phono 1 and Phono 2: 2.5 mV at 1000 Hz, 47,000 average power output, per channel, ohms Tape Head: 3 mV, 47,000 ohms both channels operating into 16 ohms Tape, Aux, and Tuner: 300 mV, 250,000 ohms load impedance which is: BASS CONTROLS 25.3 volts RMS across 16 ohms + 16 dB to -16 dB at 20 Hz TREBLE CONTROLS OUTPUT LOAD IMPEDANCE + 16 dB to -16 dB at 20,000 Hz 8 ohms or 16 ohms LF FILTER Active filter, 12 dB per octave rolloff below 50 Hz; RATED POWER BAND 20 dB down at 20 Hz 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz HF FILTER

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