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cdc 19821001 free download

Various electronics service manuals

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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc catalog literature_catalog_upds 19821001.pdf
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Literature and Distribution Services 308 North Dale Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 ~~ CO~OLDATA CORfORttTlON October 1, 1982 Dear Customer: , //,/--'-"" . , Attached is the fourth (4) catalog/suppleme~ince the June 1982 catalog was published. "-_.. _,..__._... -_... Literature and Distribution Services (LDS) will be closed for physical inventory from October 26 through October 28, 1982. Please plan ahead to ensure both order and receipts are not held up due to our closing. Normal order processing will resume on Friday, October 29, 1982. G. F. Moore, Manager Literature & Distribution Services SECTION I This section contains Hardware Manuals for Individual equipments arranged in equipment designator sequence. Product numbers are included in parenthesis after the equipment designator. Additional manuals may be found in Section 2 by looking up the Product number. (1) LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION SUPPLEMENT INTERNAL - EXTERNAL CATALOG, The legend for columns one through six is as follows: l-New or revised literature published since last edition N-New Publication R-Revision in packet form only RM-Revision in manual form only RMP-Revised manual/packet available RO-Revised publication obsoletes al I previous editions 2-Publication number of literature, listed numerically 3-The latest. revision level 4-Indicates size of hard cover binder that may be used for manuals 5-Publication division responsible for contents of literature 6-Price changes for External Customers only *FOR CONTROL DATA PERSONNEL ONLY **PRICE CHANGES IN COLUMN 6 ARE FOR EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS ONLY 1 TITLE 2 3 4 5 **6 RO AA 120-D (CYBER 740,750,760) CENTRAL GF60425800 U ARH COMPUTER DISTRIBUTIVE DATA PATH (DDP) H.M.M. R AA 146-A (CYB. 170, MODEL 825) CENTRAL 60469350 B 3 CDD ( COMPUTER H.R.M. RO AD 111-B CENTRAL PROCESSOR ( CYB. 170-835/ 60455930. E 3 ARH 855)COOLING SYS. H.M.M. R BG7AX MINI MODULE DRIVE H.M.M. 83323380 V 3 NSD R BJ4M1/2 S.M.D. H.M.M. 83322450 AD 3 NLD R BK 4XX/5XX S.M.D. H.M.M. VOL. 1 83322150 AH 3 NSD I \. R BK 5A7-E/F, BK5A&-C/D Bk5A9-E/F ,BK5B1-C/D 83322640 R 3 NSD S.M.D. H.M.M. VOL. 2 R BZ3MX!30X/4Mx!40x MINI MODUlE DRIVE H.M.M. 83322820 AD 3 NSD R BZ3XX/4xx MINI MODULE DRIVE H.M.M. 83322720 AF 3 NSD R BZ3XX/4xx MINI MODULE DRIVE H.R.M. 83322730 N 3 NSD R Bz5AX/9AX (9730) MINI MODUlE DRIVE H. M. M. 83323150 y 3- NSD

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