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Fulik Fulik Series Table free download

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Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Series Table. Category Series Features Temperature Rated Voltage Capacitance Load Life () (V.DC) (uF) Miniature SM 5mm height standard -40 To +85 4 to 50 0.1 to 470 1000hrs SX 7mm height standard -40 To +85 6.3 ~ 63 0.1 to 470 1000hrs KF 5mm height, wide-temperature -40 To +105 4 to 50 0.1 to 100 1000hrs SS 7mm height, high CV standard -40 To +85 6.3 ~ 63 0.1 to 470 1000hrs KS 7mm high, wide-temperature -40 To +105 6.3 ~ 63 0.1 to 220 1000hrs GR Standard , long life -40 To +85 6.3 to 450 0.1 ~ 33 000 2000hrs GS Small size, long life -40 To +85 6.3 to 450 0.1 to 15000 2000hrs GM General Purpose -40 To +85 6.3 to 450 0.1 ~ 33 000 1000hrs KM Standard wide-temperature -40 To +105 6.3 to 450 0.1 to 10000 1000hrs Low LF High-frequency, Low Impedance -40 To +105 6.3 ~ 450 0.47 ~ 15000 1000hrs impedance GE Low impedance wide-temperature -40 To +105 6.3 to 450 0.47 ~ 15000 1000hrs GF Long life, high frequency low the ESR -40 To +105 6.3 ~ 50 4.7 to 4700 2000hrs Low leakage LM 5mm height, Low leakage current -40 To +85 6.3 ~ 63 0.1 to 100 1000hrs DM Low leakage current, standard -40 To +85 6.3 to 100 0.1 to 3300 1000hrs FM Low leakage, wide temperature -40 To +105 6.3 to 100 0.1 to 3300 1000hrs SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Series Table. Temperature Rated Voltage Capacitance Category Series Features Load Life () (V.DC) (uF) SMD Surface RVS Standard, 85 , 2000 hrs. - 40 to + 85 4 to 100 0.1 to 1500 2000hrs Mount Type RVK Low leakage current 105 , 2000hrs. - 55 to + 105 6.3 ~ 50 0.1 to 330 2000hrs RVW Wide Temperature 105 , 2000hours - 55 to + 105 6.3 to 100 4.7 to 1500 2000hrs RVT Wide Temperature 105 , 1000hour

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