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SERVICE Whirlpool Europe Customer Services 6AKP 635/WH Service Manual Built-in oven 6AKP 635/WH Model Version 6AKP 635/WH 8577 635 53000 Spare part list Exploded view Wiring diagram Technical data Page 2 3 4 5 This documentation is only intended for qualified technicians who are aware of the respective safety regulations. Date: 17 .11.2000 Subject to modification Document-No.: 4812 725 13862 17 .11.2000 / Page 2 Doc. No: 4812 725 13862 6AKP 635/WH 8577 635 53000 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Spare part list Model Service No. Version Pos. No. 12NC Code 022 1 022 2 022 3 025 1 025 2 040 0 047 0 110 0 121 0 141 0 191 0 201 0 245 0 245 2 247 1 247 2 261 0 261 1 301 0 334 0 351 0 354 0 354 3 440 0 441 0 443 0 452 0 456 0 491 0 503 0 554 0 557 0 620 0 651 0 652 0 656 0 694 2 914 0 915 0 932 0 950 1 993 0 4819 460 78827 4819 460 78826 4819 310 39642 4819 460 78628 4819 460 78849 4812 417 18838 4812 417 18837 4812 498 78058 4819 442 39501 4812 450 58296 4819 468 18109 4812 442 69022 4819 458 68752 4819 458 19538 4819 395 48003 4812 418 38056 4819 458 68282 4819 458 68283 4812 453 19532 4812 412 78554 4819 134 48424 4819 462 79749 4819 462 38759 4812 361 18302 4819 361 18476 4819 515 48065 4812 259 28723 4819 259 28847 4812 290 68168 4819 282 18675 4812 282 28227 4812 252 28035 4812 273 28151 4819 134 88153 4819 255 18237 4819 450 69844 4819 466 69505 4819 505 18323 4819 505 18145 4819 492 68714 4819 468 18336 4819 310 39648 6AKP 635/WH 857763553000 857763553000 Description Trim, side le. Trim, side ri. Angle iron left + right Trim, lower Trim, lower Hinge Hinge run.mech. Door handle Innerdoor,oven Oven glass WH Gasket Panel, rear Oven shelf Grid Plier grid Fat pan ,PAN SET Inset grid right Inset grid left Panel,control Knob Pilot lamp Lens red Guide pilot lamp Motor,fan Motor 240 V 22W Fan wheel Heating element 240 V Heating element lower Connectionblock Timer Thermostat Temper.limiter Switch,oven Lamp,oven Holder,lamp Lamp screen Stopper Nut Nut Spring Gasket Mounting kit SERVICE Exploded view Whirlpool Europe Customer Service 6AKP 635/WH 8577 635 53000 17 .11.2000 / Page 3 Doc. No: 4812 725 13862 17 .11.2000 / Page 4 Doc. No: 4812 725 13862 6AKP 635/WH 8577 635 53000 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Wiring diagram SERVICE Technical data Electrical connection Rated voltage Main connection Power usable contemporaneously Upper heating element Lower heating element Grill heating element Electrical components Auto timer Accessories Pan set enameled Grid chrome Whirlpool Europe Customer Service 6AKP 635/WH 8577 635 53000 17 .11.2000 / Page 5 Doc. No: 4812 725 13862 230-240 V ~ 230-240 V 2400 860 960 2400 1N~ 50 Hz W W W W Automatic-off 415 x 318 446.5 x 340 mm mm Service sticker

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