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Now downloading free:SOLARTRON lm310

SOLARTRON lm310 free download

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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment SOLARTRON 7081 Mickle diagrams lm310.pdf
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LM110 LM210 LM310 Voltage Follower November 1994 LM110 LM210 LM310 Voltage Follower General Description The LM110 series are monolithic operational amplifiers in- ing lower offset voltage drift bias current and noise in addi- ternally connected as unity-gain non-inverting amplifiers tion to higher speed and wider operating voltage range They use super-gain transistors in the input stage to get low The LM110 is specified over a temperature range b55 C s bias current without sacrificing speed Directly interchange- TA s a 125 C the LM210 from b25 C s TA s a 85 C and able with 101 741 and 709 in voltage follower applications the LM310 from 0 C s TA s a 70 C these devices have internal frequency compensation and provision for offset balancing Features The LM110 series are useful in fast sample and hold cir- Y Input current 10 nA max over temperature cuits active filters or as general-purpose buffers Further Y Small signal bandwidth 20 MHz the frequency response is sufficiently better than standard Y Slew rate 30 V ms IC amplifiers that the followers can be included in the feed- back loop without introducing instability They are plug-in Y Supply voltage range g 5V to g 18V replacements for the LM102 series voltage followers offer- Schematic Diagram TL H 7761

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