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Now downloading free:cdc 200 Terminal Troubleshooting Guide Jun71

cdc 200 Terminal Troubleshooting Guide Jun71 free download

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File name:200_Terminal_Troubleshooting_Guide_Jun71.pdf
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Model:200 Terminal Troubleshooting Guide Jun71 🔎
Original:200 Terminal Troubleshooting Guide Jun71 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc terminal 200_Terminal_Troubleshooting_Guide_Jun71.pdf
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200 TERMINAL TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE June, 197:L DISPLAY UNIT PROBLEMS If you believe that you have a Display Unit problem, here are a few things you might check: 1. Hit clear key; can you enter data and do functions on the display, and does it stay there? YES. Good, that's what you want. NO. Do you have a marker line on thJiiL Display after hitting the cl ear key? . YES. Skip to 5. NO. Do you have anything on the CRT? YE S

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