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Now downloading free:cdc Worden Floppy Jun78

cdc Worden Floppy Jun78 free download

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An expanded outlook of design factors for a dual-density diskette controller involves system integration of the diskette drive and covers bit packing densities, data recovery methods, input and output interfaces, and available methods of accessing data John Worden Magnetic Peripherals, Incorporated, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma I mplementation of flexible diskette drives as low cost data processing peripheral memory devices is increasing attention to the hardware/software interfaces of both the diskette drive and the host computer. Specifically, rapidly in terminals and standalone systems, where the controller' interface must consider diskette format, storage capacity, performance, and capability to random- read/write-erase head design, data encoding and re- access data make them suitable for on- and offline covery means, and diskette drive requirements. The information and software applications. Previously limited host computer interface must be concerned with soft- by the ability to operate using single-density, single- ware command-level interface, logical interface be- sided media, the storage capacity of flexible diskette tween the two devices, and the timing relationships drives quadrupled during the past year when units necessary for contiguous-sector data transfers-the capable of both double-density and 2-sided media optimum condition for diskette data transfer. read/write operation were introduced. However, since existing single-sided, single-density-encoded diskette drive controllers were incapable of operating 2-sided, Soft

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