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CHIPS AND TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 3050 ZANKER ROAD, SAN JOSE, CA 95134 408-434-0600 PRELIMINARY 82C5086 REFERENCE MANUAL NOVEMBER 1989 CPI063/11-89 REVC STK# 10063-001 CHIPS 82C5086 SCSI-Bus Interface Controller Reference Manual Document Number: 3001711-0001 Revision C The infonnation in this publication is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any fonn or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise. without the prior written pennission of Chips and Technologies Inc. Copyright 1989 Chips and Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved CHIPS is a trademark of Chips and Technologies, Inc. The following products trademarked by other companies are referenced in this manual: IBM PC AT is an IBM trademark. Z8 is a Zilog trademark. 80286 is an Intel trademark. ii Revision History Revision Change Activity Date Applioved A First Release 1/29/88 P.H./ P.D. B Second Release 10/31/88 P.H . ./M.S. C Third Release 10/10/89 BJM/JC iii PREFACE AUDIENCE This manual is intended for firmware design engineers who are interested in programming the CHIPS 82C5086 SCSI-Bus Interface Controller; however, such topics as pin descriptions that would be of interest to hardware design engineers are also addressed. SCOPE This manual contains the information a firmware design engineer needs to program this chip to implement the SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) interface on a host computer or a device controller. It is assumed the reader already has a working knowledge of the SCSI interface. CONTENTS The information in this manual is divided into five chapters, one appendix, and a glossary. o Chapter 1 provides an overview of the CHIPS 82C5086 SCSI-Bus Interface Controller. o Chapter 2 which is intended for hardware design engineers describes the 82C5086 hardware specifications. It supplies physical and functional pin specifications, signal descriptions, electrical specifications, and packaging specifications. o Chapter 3 which is directed at firmware engineers describes the operational modes of the 82C5086. o Chapter 4 which is intended for firmware engineers provides a detailed description of the function and operation of each of the 24 inter

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