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1" DIA. FIBERGLASS ROD 2" DIA. FIBERGLASS CENTER INSULATOR 2x .058 x 48" 1-3/4x.058x60" 1-1/2x.058x60" 1-1/4x.058x60" 1x.058x60" 3/4x.049x48" 1/2 x .049 x 60" 3 x .125 x 180" 57" FIBERGLASS SLEEVE INSULATOR #10 AWG 1/2" DIA. SOLID COPPERWELD ALUM. POST Model Number 80M1LL Frequency Range 3.5-3.575 and 3.75-3.85 MHz Remote Switchable @ 12 VDC Gain, ref. a dipole -0.22 dBd Front to side 15-20 dB (very height dependent) Power Handling 3 KW Standard Beamwidth in Az 86 degrees Feed Imp. / Conn type 50 Ohms/ SO-239 ('N' opt.) VSWR / Bandwidth 1.2:1 typ. / 100 KHz @ 2:1 Element length 94 ft. Linear Loaded Element diameter 3", 2, 1-3/4, 1-1/2, 1-1/4, 1, & 3/4",1/2" tips Turning radius 47" Mast Size 2 in. nom. or specify Wind Area / Survival 8 sq. ft. / 100 mph Weight / Ship wt. 75 lbs / 85 lbs -Truck The 80M1LL is a real performer, both mechanically and electrically, when used as a dipole. It can also be used as a building block for future expansion to a 2 or 3 element beam antenna. The dipole can also be separated in half and used as phased !/4 wave verticals. Element halves start with 3" diameter tubing and taper through 2", 1-3/4", 1-1/2", 1-1/4", 1", 3/4" sections to the 1/2" tips. The 3" and 2" sections are separated by a rugged fiberglass insulator to allow for the linear loading (#10 copperweld). A solid 2" O.D. Fiberglass rod, sleeved to the 3" elements, serves as the center insulator. The linear loading terminates above the boom and out of the element plane to reduce inductive cancellation and provide element support. Tip droop is less than 24" and looks better than some 40 meter elements. The 3 KW, 1:1 balun and phone / CW power switching relay are housed in a heavy wall ABS cannister at the center of the element. Relay switching requires 12 VDC supply. 7560 N. Del Ma

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