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Now downloading free:CONCEPTRONIC CM3GPP FW UPD v2.00.004 1.01.016

CONCEPTRONIC CM3GPP FW UPD v2.00.004 1.01.016 free download

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[preview CM3GPP FW UPD v2.00.004 1.01.016]
Size:18216 kB
Model:CM3GPP FW UPD v2.00.004 1.01.016 🔎
Original:CM3GPP FW UPD v2.00.004 1.01.016 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment CONCEPTRONIC CM3G
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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Conceptronic Media Giant Firmware Upgrade Instructions for CM3G Series A. Upgrade information The latest firmware for the Conceptronic Media Giant can always be downloaded using the internet upgrade option in the setup menu of the Media Giant. To use this option, your Media Giant has to be connected to the internet. If this is not the case, you can use the USB upgrade option as described below. Note: Once you have upgraded the firmware, it is not possible to downgrade the firmware again. However, you can download the Firmware Recovery Pack from our website to recover the device back to the initial firmware version. This firmware upgrade is suitable for all Media Giant models: - CM3G [ C08-130 ] : Media Giant - CM3GP [ C08-131 ] : Media Giant Plus, with analog tuner - CM3GPP [ C08-132 ] : Media Giant Pro, with analog tuner and Powerline adapter Note: It is possible to make a backup of the channels and settings of the Media Giant with a backup script. This backup script will store all channels and settings in a file on the Media Giant hard disk. This file can be used to restore your settings after a forced / recovered firmware upgrade. If you want to make a backup of the channels and the settings, you can use the Media Giant backup script, which can be found in the folder "Backup Script", included with this download. This folder contains the backup script and information how to use the backup script. Copyright

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