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Now downloading free:whirlpool WMB35,39,46LS & LW

whirlpool WMB35,39,46LS & LW free download

Refrigerators service manuals

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WHIRLPOOL CONSUMER SERVICES Models WBM35LW WBM35LS WBM39LW WBM39LS WBM46LW WBM46LS March 2003 WHIRLPOOL AUSTRALASIA CONSUMER SERVICES SERVICE MANUAL ELECTRONIC TOP MOUNT REFRIGERATOR Model WMB35LW WBM35LS WMB39LW WBM39LS WMB46LW WBM46LS Version 8534 772 53000 8534 772 53010 8534 773 53000 8534 773 53010 8534 774 53000 8534 774 53010 This Service Manual supersedes Service Manual, Part No. SM1100, dated July 02. Please remove and destroy the superseded manual. Copyright © 2002 Whirlpool (Australia) Pty. Limited All rights strictly reserved. Reproduction or issue to third parties in any form whatsoever is not permitted without written authority of Whirlpool (Australia) Pty. Limited Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool U.S.A. This documentation is intended only for qualified technicians who possess the required qualifications and are aware of the regulatory requirements applicable to servicing electrical appliances. Whirlpool (Australia) Pty Limited A. B. N. 28 003 578 023 Part No. SM1101 WHIRLPOOL CONSUMER SERVICES Models WBM35LW WBM35LS WBM39LW WBM39LS WBM46LW WBM46LS Page 1 of 34 Page 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 12 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 26 26 27 28 31 32 33 CONTENTS 1. IDENTIFICATION 2. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.1. Lamp Activation System 3.2. Product Electronic Control System 3.2.1. Freezer Temperature Control 3.2.2. Refrigerator Temperature Control 3.2.3. Fan Motor Operation 3.2.4. Door Opening Management 3.2.5. Freezer Freezing Level Selection 3.2.6. Defrost System Defrost Problems 3.2.7. Alarm System 2Hz Alarm 4Hz Alarm 4. TESTS 4.1. 4.2. Test Routine on Electronic Board Self Test General Notes 5. OTHER COMPONENTS 17 5.1. Cooling Fluid (Refrigerant) 5.2. Cabinet 5.3. Compressor 5.4. Evaporator and Suction Line 5.5. Filter/Dryer 5.6. Kickplate 5.7. Doors and Gaskets 5.8. Clicking Stop Bushing 5.9. Rollers and Levelling Feet 5.10. Vegetable Crisper Humidity Control 5.11. Neutraliser 5.12. Clean Back 5.13. Can Rack 5.14. Capacitor 6. COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, DISASSEMBLY AND REPLACEMENT 6.1. Disassembling the Evaporator Front and Rear Covers 6.2. Replacing the Bimetallic and Thermofuse 6.3. Replacing the Defrost Heater 6.4. Replacing the Air Diffuser and Damper 6.5. Assembling and Disassembling the Refrigerator Internal Components 6.6. Replacing the Fan Motor 6.7. Replacing the Temperature Sensor 6.8. Replacing a Cable Connection for the Potency Module 6.9. Replacing Evaporator 6.10. Replacing or Removing the Cleanback 7. REVERSING DOOR SWING (OPTIONAL) 8. REQUIRED TOOLS 9. WIRING DIAGRAM 10. FAILURE CORRECTION CHART 1 ­ IDENTIFICATION : 1.1 ­ Multibras Version W R M 34 A B Z WL EX = MARKET: D = VOLTAGE: B = COLOR A = VERSION: 34 = CAPACITY: WL = AUSTRALIA Z= 220-240/50Hz, D=220/50Hz B= WHITE, P= SILVER, R= INOX A= FIRST, X= INOX VERSION 34=340 LITERS, 38=380 LITERS, 44=440 LITERS NO FROST M = TYPE: R = PRODUCT: W = BRAND: 1

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