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Microwave ovens service manual and repair instructions

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WHIRLPOOL CONSUMER SERVICES Models AVM595 WH AVM595 BL October 1998 WHIRLPOOL AUSTRALASIA CONSUMER SERVICES SERVICE MANUAL MICROWAVE OVEN Model AVM595 WH Version 8538 595 53291 Model AVM595 BL Version 8538 595 53491 Copyright © 2001 Whirlpool (Australia) Pty. Limited All rights strictly reserved. Reproduction or issue to third parties in any form whatsoever is not permitted without written authority of Whirlpool (Australia) Pty. Limited Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool U.S.A. This documentation is intended only for qualified technicians who possess the required qualifications and are aware of the regulatory requirements applicable to servicing electrical appliances. Whirlpool (Australia) Pty Limited A. B. N. 28 003 578 023 Part No. SM7020 WHIRLPOOL CONSUMER SERVICES Models AVM595 WH AVM595 BL Page 2 of 14 CONTENTS Page 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS INTRODUCTION SAFETY CAUTION - MICROWAVE RADIATION WARNING - HIGH VOLTAGE TECHNICAL DATA INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS GENERAL EARTHING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION MICROWAVE AND LEAKAGE TESTS MICROWAVE TEST MICROWAVE LEAKAGE TEST TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE CAUTION AND IMPORTANT MICROWAVE LEAKAGE QUICK REFERENCE MAJOR COMPONENT TESTS HV TRANSFORMER HV CAPACITOR HV DIODE MAGNETRON INTERLOCK SWITCH SYSTEM EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST CIRCUIT DIAGRAM WHIRLPOOL CONSUMER SERVICES SAFETY PRECAUTIONS INTRODUCTION Models AVM595 WH AVM595 BL Page 3 of 14 Before leaving the factory each oven is carefully checked. It must however, be installed and used correctly. Despite all the steps taken to make the oven safe, the safety is dependent on the correct installation and the fact the user understands how to use and maintain the oven. The information in this section should be used as a reminder that the oven is safe and that anyone who uses it must first read the instructions for use in order to be able to use the oven correctly and obtain best results. SAFETY To avoid injury to yourself and damage to the appliance always work to the following rules when servicing an oven. Always disconnect the plug from the mains before starting work. If there is no plug, switch off the electrical supply at the control box. When you have finished servicing an oven and before you reconnect it to the mains make sure that: · all the internal connections are correct · the wires are insulated and not touching the door or the cabinet or anything sharp · all the earth connections are electrically and mechanical sound · do not modify or anyway interfere with the safety devices built-in to the oven · make sure that each replacement part you use conforms to the manufacturer's specifications. Do not start a repair if you have any doubt as to your ability to complete it. CAUTION - MICROWAVE RADIATION PERSONNEL SHOULD NOT BE EXPOSED TO THE MICROWAVE ENERGY WHICH MAY RADIATE FROM THE MAGNETRON, WAVEGUIDE OR ANTENNA IF THEY ARE IMPROPERLY USED OR CONNECTED. ALL INPUT AND OUTPU

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