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Incap Incap Full free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Incap Incap Full.pdf
Group:Electronics > Components > Capacitors
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1 ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS INCAP ABOUT OUR COMPANY PRODUCT RANGE INCAP LIMITED a Public Limited Company with Our product range covers Radial capacitors of ISO 9001:2000 accredition is managed by professionally Low Voltage (850C and 1050C.) qualified personnel. The company with sound financial Medium & High voltage (850C and 1050C.) discipline, is having its registered office and Low Leakage manufacturing facility located at Nidamanur village which is 12 K.M. away from Vijayawada on N.H. 5 and is Long Life & Extended Long Life accessible by road and rail from different parts of the Low ESR (850C and 1050C.) country. The company has got an installed capacity of Bi-Polar 100 million pcs per annum and was established in the Non-Polar etc. year 1992 with technical and financial collaboration from M/s. Lelon Electronics Corporation. Our Snap-In type capacitors and Lug type capacitors cover a range of capacitance upto 10,000 uF and a PLANT AND MACHINERY voltage range upto 500 WV. We have satisfactorily The Plant is housed in 2.5 acres of land with clean and developed 1050C special type Snap-in type capacitors green atmosphere. We also ensure that the process up to 450WV and are being regularly supplied to OEM's followed and waste disposable actions are and Dealers. environmental friendly. Machinery which are imported New Addition to the product range : from Japan and Taiwan are maintained with meticulous I) Radial Capacitors : care to ensure improved productivity of quality products. The performance of the Machine is closely monitored a) Specially designed capacitors for Electronic by the team responsible for Maintenance and Production Ballast and other Lighting Applications by analysing the percentage yield on weekly basis and b) Import substitute capacitors with DOT approval. making further improvements in the yield by going for innovative techniques. II) Motor Start Capacitors :

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