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Now downloading free:Mc INTOSH hfe mcintosh c2300 service ya1001

Mc INTOSH hfe mcintosh c2300 service ya1001 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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C2300 C2300 TUBE PREAMPLIFIER SERIAL NO. YA1001 And Above CONTENTS Performance Specifications ...2 Balanced Schematic and PCB ...29 - 34 Notes...2 Tube Schematic and PCB ...35 - 42 Rear Panel ...3 Data Schematic and PCB ...43 - 46 Section Location ...3 Pushbutton Schematic and PCB ...47 - 48 Block Diagram ...4 Headphone Schematic and PCB ...49 - 50 Interconnection Diagram ...5 - 6 Meter Lamp Schematic and PCB...51 - 52 Main Schematic and PCB ...9 - 22 Parts List ...53 - 62 Display Schematic and PCB...23 - 28 Repacking Instruction ...63 SERVICE MANUAL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS General Specifications Output Impedance 220 ohms Frequency Response +0, -0.5dB from 20Hz to 20,000Hz Headphone Load Impedance +0, -1dB from 10Hz to 100,000Hz 16 ohms to 250 ohms Total Harmonic Distortion Tube Compliment 0.08% from 20Hz to 20,000Hz MM Phono Circuitry: 2 - 12AX7A MC Phono Circuitry: 2 - 12AX7A Rated Output (Main) High Level Circuitry: 2 - 12AX7A 2.5V Unbalanced, 5V Balanced Power Requirements Maximum Voltage Output 100 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts 8V RMS Unbalanced, 16V RMS Balanced 110 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts Sensitivity (for rated output) 120 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts High Level, 450mV unbalanced, 900mV balanced 220 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts Phono MM, 4.5mV 230 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts Phono MC

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