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Descr:Sanyo Industrial Monitor Service Manual LMU-TK12AS(SS) LMU-TK12AS(K) (SS) LMU-TK12ASTR (SS) LMU-TK12ASTR(K) (SS) LMU-TK12ASTR(K) (UK)
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SERVICE MANUAL LMU-TK12AS(SS) INDUSTRIAL MONITOR PRODUCT CODE No. LMU-TK12AS/SS LMU-TK12AS(K)/SS LMU-TK12ASTR/SS LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/SS LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/UK 1938 102 39 1938 102 86 1938 102 40 1938 115 02 1938 115 05 LMU-TK12AS(K) (SS) LMU-TK12ASTR (SS) LMU-TK12ASTR(K) (SS) LMU-TK12ASTR(K) (UK) REFERENCE NO.SM 920020 INDEX Page PRECAUTIONS------------------------------------------------------------1,MAINSPECIFICATION-------------------------------------------------2,TROUBLESHOOTING-------------------------------------------------3,MAINTENANCE 3-1 LMU-TK12AS------------------------------------------------------------ 2 3 4.5 6 3-2 LMU-TK12ASTR--------------------------------------------------------7 4,BLOCKDIAGRAM-------------------------------------------------------8 5,CONNECTION DIAGRAM--------------------------------------------9 6,TABLE OF SIGNAL NAME-------------------------------------------- 10.11 7,EXPLODED VIEW 7-1 LMU-TK12AS/SS , LMU-TK12AS(K)/SS---------------------------7-2 LMU-TK12ASTR/SS , LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/SS--------------------7-3 LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/UK---------------------------------------------- 12 13 14 15.16 1719 20 8,PARTS LIST 8-1 LMU-TK12AS/SS , LMU-TK12AS(K)/SS---------------------------8-2 LMU-TK12ASTR/SS , LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/SS LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/UK----------------------------------------------- 9,APPENDIX---------------------------------------------------------------- Refer to the separate volume User's Manual That included for instruction. PRECAUTIONS 35, -2- 1.MAIN SPECIFICATION 35 -3- 2.TROUBLESHOOTING LMU-TK12ASTR/SS. LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/SS. LUM-TK12ASTR(K)/UK -4- -5- 3.MAINTENANCE 3-1 LMU-TK12AS -6- 3-2 LMU-TK12ASTR -7- 4.BLOCK DIAGRAM -8LMU-TK12ASTR/SS LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/SS LMU-TK12ASTR(k)/UK Only 5.CONNECTION DIAGRAM -9- 6.TABLE OF SIGNAL NAME ENTER ENTER Key - 10 - LMU-TK12ASTR/SS, LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/SS, LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/UK only - 11 - 7.EXPLODED VIEW 7-1 LMU-TK12AS/SS LMU-TK12AS (K)/SS - 12 - 7-2 LMU-TK12ASTR/SS LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/SS - 13 - 7-3 LMU-TK12ASTR(K)/UK - 14 - 8.Parts Lis CAUTION important to secure safety. Parts marked as Are very In case of replacement, it is required to use designted parts for safety. 8-1 LUM-TK12AS/SS LMU-TK12AS(K)/SS REF No PART No. DESCRIPTION OUTER 632 872 2563 632 758 4209 INDIVIDUAL 632 872 2570 632 872 2587 632 872 2594 632 872 2600 632 809 9450 632 822 4425 632 607 4824 632 567 2588 ACCESSORY 661 021 9788 21 22 22 23 24 Q'ty NOTES OUTER CARTON LABEL,BAR CODE 1 1 PAD,BOTTOM PAD,SIDE PAD,ACCESSORY PAD,TOP POLY COVER,120X320 POLYETHYLENE BAG, 300X450 POLYETHYLENE BAG,L180X270 POLYETHYLENE BAG,200X300 1 1 1 1 1 FOR CONTROL BOX 1 FOR LCD MONITOR 1 FOR MANUAL 1 FOR RGB CABLE INSTRUCTION MANUAL,ENGLISH AC ADAPTOR AC CODO,1.8M AC CODO VGA CABLE,150CM REMOTE CONTROLLER ASSY 1 1 1 1 1 1 632 880 5488 632 880 1596 632 873 0926 632 873 4696 661 001 3164 CABINET1 1 1 CHASSI 2 2 13 STAND 3 632 868 5622 632 880 4719 TOP LID TOP LID 1 1 LMU-TK12AS(K)/SS 6

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