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Now downloading free:Mitsumi MM1469

Mitsumi MM1469 free download

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File name:MM1469.pdf
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Model:MM1469 🔎
Descr:4-ch BTL Motor Driver for CD Players
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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File name MM1469.pdf

MITSUMI 4-ch BTL Motor Driver for CD Players 4-ch BTL Motor Driver for CD Players Monolithic IC MM1469 Outline This IC is a 4-ch BTL driver developed for driving CD player motors and actuators. With built-in 3.3V (MM1469PH) or 5.0V (MM1469XH) regulator and general-purpose op amp, it supports a variety of applications. Features (1) External resistor allows gain adjustment. (2) Few external parts. (3) Built-in 3.3V or 5.0V regulator. (Requires external PNP Tr.) (4) Built-in general-purpose op amp. (5) Built-in thermal shutdown circuit. Package HSOP-28 Applications (1) CD radio cassette recorder (2) VCD Block diagram (MM1469XH) T. S. D : Thermal Shut Down D. BUF : Driver Buffer 28 27 26 25 24 1k 23 22 VCC 21 VCC 1k 20 19 18 17 16 15 D.BUF D.BUF 10k 13k Level shift D.BUF D.BUF 10k 13k Level shift 50k DRIVER MUTE T.S.D 10k 10k (3.3k) 50k Level shift 13k 13k 10k D.BUF D.BUF 1 2 3 4 1k 5 6 7 8 1k 9 10k D.BUF D.BUF 10 11 12 13 14 note Constane in parenehesis is regulator output voltage 3.3V(MM1469PH). Level shift MITSUMI 4-ch BTL Motor Driver for CD Players Pin configuration ch1 OUT-A ch1 OUT-B ch1 IN-A ch1 IN-B Tr-B VREG-OUT MUTE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 SUBGND 27 ch4 OUT-A 26 ch4 OUT-B 25 ch4 IN-A 24 ch4 IN-B 23 BIAS-IN 22 VCC GND ch2 IN-B ch2 IN-A ch2 OUT-B ch2 OUT-A SUBGND OP OUT 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 VCC 20 ch3 IN-B 19 ch3 IN-A 18 ch3 OUT-B 17 ch3 OUT-A 16 OP IN(+) 15 OP IN(­) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ch1 OUT­A ch1 OUT­B ch1 IN­A ch1 IN­B Tr­B VREG ­OUT MUTE GND ch2 IN­B ch2 IN­A ch2 OUT­B ch2 OUT­A SUBGND OP OUT 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 OP IN(­) OP IN(+) ch3 OUT­A ch3 OUT­B ch3 IN­A ch3 IN­B VCC VCC BIAS­IN ch4 IN­B ch4 IN­A ch4 OUT­B ch4 OUT­A SUBGND MITSUMI 4-ch BTL Motor Driver for CD Players Terminal explanations Pin No. 1 12 17 27 Pin Name ch1­OUT A ch2­OUT A ch3­OUT A ch4­OUT A Function Driver ch1 negative output Driver ch2 negative output Driver ch3 negative output Driver ch4 negative output VCC Internal equivalent circuit 12k 1 2 11 18 26 12k 12 17 2 11 18 26 ch1­OUT B ch2­OUT B ch3­OUT B ch4­OUT B Driver ch1 positive output Driver ch2 positive output Driver ch3 positive output Driver ch4 positive output 600 27 600 3 10 19 25 ch1­IN A ch2­IN A ch3­IN A ch4­IN A Driver ch1 input Driver ch2 input Driver ch3 input Driver ch4 input 10k 3 10k 10k 10ľA 2.5V VCC 4 9 20 24 ch1­IN B ch2­IN B ch3­IN B ch4­IN B Driver ch1 input, gain adjustment pin Driver ch2 input, gain adjustment pin Driver ch3 input, gain adjustment pin Driver ch4 input, gain adjustment pin 10 19 25 4 9 20 24 5 Tr­ B Connect to external transistor base VCC 15k 40k 5 6k 6 VREG ­OUT Constant voltage output, connects to external transistor collector VCC 10ľA 3k 2.5V 10k 3k 10k 6 MITSUMI 4-ch BTL Motor Driver for CD Players Terminal Explanations Pin No. 7 Pin Name MUTE Function Driver mute control input 50k 50k Internal equivalent circuit 7 8 GND GND GND 8 13 28 Substrate GND Substra

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