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Now downloading free:cdc 6600 Chassis Functions

cdc 6600 Chassis Functions free download

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File name:6600_Chassis_Functions.txt
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Model:6600 Chassis Functions 🔎
Original:6600 Chassis Functions 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber cyber_70 fieldEngr 6600_Chassis_Functions.txt
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File name 6600_Chassis_Functions.txt

Chassis Functions ------- --------- 1 PP 2 Bool FU, Divide FU, Mult 1 FU (exp), Mult 2 FU (exp), Store Distr, Dead Start 3 Read Distr, Bank 0-3, Periph Ctlr 4 Read Distr, Bank 4-8, Periph Ctlr 5 Inst Stack, Inst Reg, Stunt Box, Score-Board, Incr 1 FU, Incr 2 FU, Branch FU 6 Mult 1 FU (coef), Mult 2 FU (coef) 7 X0-X7 Reg (0-35), B0-B7 Reg, A0-A7 Reg 8 X0-X7 Reg (36-59), Add FU, Long Add FU, Shift FU 9 Read Distr, Bank 10-13, Periph Ctrl 10 Read Distr, Bank 11-14, Periph Ctrl - 12 Display Console Controller, Periph Controller, Display Console Controller 13 Write Distr, Bank 20-23, Periph Ctrl 14 Write Distr, Bank 24-27, Periph Ctrl 15 Write Distr, Bank 30-33, Periph Ctrl 16 Write Distr, Bank 34-37, Periph Ctrl +---------------------+ | wing 2 | | ch 8 ch 7 ch 6 ch 5 | | | | | | | +-------------+ +---------------+ | w w | | i ch 9 ch 16 i | | n ch 10 ch 15 n | | g ch 14 g | | ch 12 ch 13 | | 3 4 | +-------------+ +---------------+ | | | | | | | ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 | <- [deadstart panel] | wing 1 | +---------------------+

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