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Applied Microsystems readme free download

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File name:readme.txt
Size:0 kB
Mfg:Applied Microsystems
Model:readme 🔎
Original:readme 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Applied Microsystems eproms readme.txt
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name readme.txt

EM-149-a.bin - EM-149 U103 2732 340-11033-00 0000-0FFF EM-149-b.bin - EM-149 U104 2732 340-11082-00 1000-1FFF EM-149-c.bin - EM-149 U105 2732 340-11083-00 4000-4FFF EM-180-a.bin - EM-180 U103 2764 340-00028-01 0000-1FFF EM-180-b.bin - EM-180 U104 2764 340-00029-01 Rev. B 4000-5FFF EM-180-c.bin - EM-180 U105 2764 340-00030-01 6000-7FFF EM-188-a.BIN - EM-188 U103 2716 EM-188 CNT 0000-07FF EM-188-b.BIN - EM-188 U104 2732 EM-188 DIS 1000-1FFF EM-189-a.bin - EM-189 U103 2764 340-00013-01 C000-CFFF, F000-FFFF EM-189-b.bin - EM-189 U104 2764 340-00014-00 A000-BFFF - EM-189 PC driver software EM-800-a.bin - EM-800 U103 2764 340-00023-01 Rev. A 0000-1FFF EM-800-b.bin - EM-800 U104 2764 (label was missing) 4000-5FFF EM-800-c.bin - EM-800 U105 2764 340-00034-00 Rev. A 6000-7FFF

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