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Now downloading free:Fairchild KA3S0765R

Fairchild KA3S0765R free download

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File name:KA3S0765RF.pdf
Size:232 kB
Model:KA3S0765R 🔎
Original:Datasheet 🔎
Descr:KA3S0765R/KA3S0765RF Fairchild Power Switch(SPS)
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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File name KA3S0765RF.pdf KA3S0765R/KA3S0765RF Fairchild Power Switch(SPS) Features · · · · · · · · · Wide operatimg frequency range up to (150kHz) Pulse by pulse over current limiting Over load protection Over voltage protecton (Min. 23V) Internal thermal shutdown function Under voltage lockout Internal high voltage sense FET External sync terminal Auto Restart Mode Description The SPS product family is specially designed for an offline SMPS with minimal external components. The SPS consist of high voltage power SenseFET and current mode PWM IC. Included control IC features a trimmed oscillator, under voltage lock-out, leading edge blanking, optimized gate turnon/turn-off driver, thermal shut down protection, over voltage protection, temperature compensated precision current sources for loop compensation and fault protection circuit. Compared to discrete MOSFET and controller or RCC switching converter solution, a SPS can reduce total component count, design size, weight and at the same time increase & efficiency, productivity, and system reliabilit. It has a basic platform well suited for cost-effective C-TV power supply. TO-3P-5L TO-3PF-5L 1 1 1. DRAIN 2. GND 3. Vcc 4. FB 5. Sync Internal Block Diagram #3 VCC 32V 5V Vref - 5V + 6.4V #4 FB 2µA 1mA 2.5R 1R 9V + 7.5V - + 25V - Thermal S/D OVER VOLTAGE S/D - + 0.1V S R Q #2 GND OSC S R L.E.B Q Good logic Internal bias #1 DRAIN SFET #5 Sync Power on reset Rev.1.0.1 ©2001 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation KA3S0765R/KA3S0765RF Absolute Maximum Ratings Characteristic Maximum drain voltage (1) Symbol VD,MAX VDGR VGS IDM IAS ID ID VCC,MAX VFB PD (watt H/S) Value 650 650 ±30 28.0 20 7.0 5.6 30 -0.3 to VSD 140 1.11 -25 to +85 -55 to +150 Unit V V V ADC A ADC ADC V V W W/°C °C °C Drain-gate voltage (RGS=1M) Gate-source (GND) Voltage Drain current pulsed Avalanche current Continuous drain current (TC=25°C) Continuous drain current (TC=100°C) Maximum supply voltage Input voltage range Total power dissipation Operating ambient temperature Storage temperature (2) Derating TA TSTG Notes: 1. Tj=25°C to 150°C 2. Repetitive rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature 3. L=24mH, VDD=50V, RG=25, starting Tj=25 °C 2 KA3S0765R/KA3S0765RF Electrical Characteristics (SFET part) (Ta = 25°C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic Drain-source breakdown voltage Symbol BVDSS Test condition VGS=0V, ID=50µA VDS=Max., Rating, VGS=0V VDS=0.8Max., Rating, VGS=0V, TC=125°C VGS=10V, ID=4.0A VDS=15V, ID=4.0A VGS=0V, VDS=25V, f=1MHz VDD=0.5BVDSS, ID=7.0A (MOSFET switching time are essentially independent of operating temperature) VGS=10V, ID=7.0A, VDS=0.5BVDSS (MOSFET switching time are essentially independent of operating temperature) Min. 650 3.0 Typ. 1.25 1600 310 120 25 55 80 50 9.3 29.3 Max. 50 200 1.6 72 nC nS Unit V µA mA W S pF Zero gate voltage drain current IDSS Static drain-source on resistance (note) Forward transconductance (note) Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse tr

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