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intel 815EDA/815EDAL/815EPDA/815EPDAL free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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File name:INTEL 815EDA and 815EPDA.pdf
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Model:815EDA/815EDAL/815EPDA/815EPDAL 🔎
Descr:815EDA/815EDAL/815EPDA/815EPDAL USER\'S MANUAL (M/B For Socket 370 Pentium­®­ III Processor)
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
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File name INTEL 815EDA and 815EPDA.pdf

815EDA/815EDAL 815EPDA/815EPDAL USER'S MANUAL M/B For Socket 370 Pentium III Processor NO. G03-815EDA1A Release date: July 2002 Trademark: * Specifications and Information contained in this documentation are furnished for information use only, and are subject to change at any time without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by manufacturer. TABLE OF CONTENT USER'S NOTICE...1 MANUAL REVISION INFORMATION...1 THERMAL SOLUTIONS ...1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION OF MOTHERBOARD 1-1 FEATURE OF MOTHERBOARD ...2 1-2 SPECIFICATION ...3 1-3 PERFORMANCE LIST...4 1-4 LAYOUT DIAGRAM & JUMPER SETTING...5 CHAPTER 2 HARDWARE INSTALLATION 2-1 HARDWARE INSTALLATION STEPS...7 2-2 CHECKING MOTHERBOARD'S JUMPER SETTING ...7 2-3 INSTALL CPU ...9 2-3-1 GLOSSARY ...9 2-3-2 SETTING CPU BUS CLOCK & MEMORY CLOCK JUMPER...10 2-3-3 INSTALL CPU...10 2-3-4 OVERCLOCK RUNNING ...11 2-4 INSTALL MEMORY...12 2-5 EXPANSION CARDS ...13 2-5-1 PROCEDURE FOR EXPANSION CARD INSTALLATION...13 2-5-2 ASSIGNING IRQ FOR EXPANSION CARD...13 2-5-3 INTERRUPT REQUEST TABLE FOR THIS MOTHERBOARD...14 2-5-4 AGP SLOT ...14 2-6 CONNECTORS, HEADERS...15 2-6-1 CONNECTORS ...

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