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JVC GR-DVL400 free download

Digital photo camera, digital imaging - Sony, Olympus, Canon, Nikon, HP - service manual and repair information

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DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA GR-DVL400ED/600ED/707ED Regarding service information other than these sections, refer to the GR-DVL200EG service manual (No. 86558). Also, be sure to note important safety precautions provided in the service manual. SPECIFICATIONS (The specifications shown pertain specifically to the model GR-DVL707ED) Camcorder For General Power supply Power consumption LCD monitor off, viewfinder on LCD monitor on, viewfinder off Video light Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight Operating temperature Operating humidity Storage temperature Pickup Lens Filter diameter LCD monitor Viewfinder Speaker : DC 6.3 V DC 7.2 V : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (Using AC Power Adapter/Charger) (Using battery pack) For Digital Still Camera Storage media : Compression system : File size : Picture quality : Approximate number of storable images FINE : STANDARD : Built-in flash memory, 2 Mbyte JPEG (compatible) VGA: 640 x 480 pixels 2 modes (FINE/STANDARD) 30 60 Approx. 4.3 W Approx. 5.3 W Approx. 3.5 W 80 mm x 96 mm x 170 mm (with the LCD monitor closed and the viewfinder pushed down) Approx. 580 g 0°C to 40°C 35% to 80% ­20°C to 50°C 1/4" CCD F 1.8, f = 3.6 mm to 36 mm, 10:1 power zoom lens ø37 mm 3.5" diagonally measured, LCD panel/TFT active matrix system Electronic viewfinder with 0.24" black/white LCD Monaural For Connectors S AV Video output Audio output DV Input/output PC (DIGITAL PHOTO) Digital still output JLIP/EDIT : Y : 1 V (p-p), 75 , analogue output C : 0.29 V (p-p), 75 , analogue output : 1 V (p-p), 75 , analogue : 300 mV (rms), 1 k, analogue, stereo : 4-pin, IEEE 1394 compliant : ø2.5 mm, 3-pole : ø3.5 mm, 4-pole For Digital Video Camera Format Signal format Recording/Playback format DV format (SD mode) PAL standard Video : Digital component recording Audio : PCM digital recording, 32 kHz 4-channel (12-bit), 48 kHz 2-channel (16-bit) : Mini DV cassette : SP: 18.8 mm/s LP: 12.5 mm/s : SP: 80 min. LP: 120 min. : : : : AC Power Adapter/Charger AA-V40ED Power requirement Power consumption Output Charge VTR Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight : AC 110 V to 240 V`, 50 Hz/60 Hz : 23 W : : : : , 1.2 A DC 7.2 V , 1.8 A DC 6.3 V 68 mm x 38 mm x 110 mm Approx. 260 g Cassette Tape speed Maximum recording time (using 80 min. cassette) Specifications shown are for SP mode unless otherwise indicated. E & O.E. Design and specifications subject to change without notice. This service manual is made from all recycled paper. COPYRIGHT © 2000 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LTD. No. 86567 June 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIFFERENT TABLE ... 1 to 3 4. CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS 4.1 BOARD INTERCONNECTIONS ... 4-1 4.2 SYSCON SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ...

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