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Now downloading free:Holtek HT8950

Holtek HT8950 free download

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Model:HT8950 🔎
Original:Datasheet 🔎
Descr:Voice Modulator
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HT8950 Voice Modulator Features · Operating voltage: 2.4V~4.0V · On-chip SRAM · Robot function · Vibrato function · 8kHz sampling rate · 7-step level shifting · 8-bit A/D and D/A converters · LED indicator with voice level · Push button selection or electronic mode · Few external components required · 16-pin/18-pin DIP package Applications · Toys · Mixers · Recorders · Audio system · Speech system · Telephone system General Description The HT8950 is a single chip CMOS LSI voice modulator. It provides 7 steps to shift the frequency of an input voice, producing a dramatic change in the output. The HT8950 provides two special effects: Vibrato and Robot. The Vibrato effect is generated by alternating the frequency of an input signal up and down at a rate of 8Hz. The Robot function, on the other hand, converts an input voice into a Robot voice. Both effects can be selected depending on which pin is triggered, either ROB or VIB. For the output frequency level shifting, the chip provides 7 steps which can be selected from the two groups of pins namely, SW0, SW1 and SW2 for electronic direct selection and ROB, TGD, TGU and VIB for push button selection. The HT8950 includes a built-in microphone amplifier with an internal bias, an 8-bit A/D converter, a built-in SRAM as well as a current output type 8-bit D/A converter. The 8-bit A/D and D/A converters with a sampling rate of 8kHz ensures a high quality and high S/N ratio output voice. The chip provides an LED indicator which flashes with the volume of the input voices. It is offered in a 16-pin or 18-pin DIP package. Pin Assignment S W 0 O S C 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H T 8 9 5 0 1 6 D IP -A V IB T G U T G D R O B V S S N C A O 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 9 O S C 2 F V IB T S V R E F A U D IO L A M P V D D A IN S W 1 S W 2 V S S A O A IN V D D L A M P A U D IO 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 H T 8 9 5 0 1 8 D IP -A R O B T G D T G U V IB O S C 1 O S C 2 F V IB T S V R E F Rev. 1.00 1 May 5, 1998 HT8950 Block Diagram T G U T G D V IB R O B O S C 1 O S C 2 F V IB A O A IN O s c illa to r G e n e ra to r T im e B a s e G e n e ra to r C o n tro l C ir c u it P o w e r O n C ir c u it S W 0 S W 1 S W 2 S R A M L a tc h D /A C o n v e rte r A U D IO V S S V D D T S L A M P V R E F A /D C o n v e rte r Pad Coordinates Pad No. 1 4 T S Unit: mm X -957.0 -957.0 -957.0 -957.0 -957.0 -957.0 -962.0 -161.5 200.5 Y 720.5 423.5 210.0 -87.0 -299.5 -596.5 -815.0 -747.5 -747.5 Pad No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 O S C 1 O S C 2 F V IB X 732.0 984.0 956.5 956.5 956.5 530.5 345.50 -33.50 -287.50 Y -774.0 -675.0 -400.0 374.5 671.5 765.5 765.5 765.5 765.5 V IB 1 8 1 T G U 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T G D R O B 3 2 1 3 V R E F S W 0 4 5 S W 1 ( 0 ,0 ) 1 2 6 1 1 A U D IO L A M P S W 2 V S S 7 8 A O 9 A IN 1 0 V D D Chip size: 2350´2080 (mm)2 * The IC substrate should be connected to VSS in the PCB layout artwork. Pin Description (18 Pin Version) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pin Na

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