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VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:LG.rar
Size:11 kB
Descr:Dumpuri pentru video hitachi
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:3
File name bc251p.txt

LG BC251P Procesor-----BC999NS R2---HD6433977C78F Memorie 24C08 Video LA71594 Sursa STR G 6153 TUNER tadc-g005d
File name lg.txt

’žBD-270Y.BIN= 845><03=8B>D>= LG BD270Y @>F5AA>@: GMS3977R 88C 0<OBL: C81DC= 24C08 CC-290TW.BIN = 845><03=8B>D>= LG CC290TW @>F5AA>@ GMS3977RBB23F /", !81DC, ?>AB028; 24A04 EC-270W.BIN = 845><03=8B>D>= LG Model-EC270W. 0<OBL 24!16. <03=8B>D>=5 ?@54CA<>B@5= :;NG >B 45B59. >340 :;NG 2:;NG5= =0 B01;> <03=8B>D>=0 =04?8AL SAFE 8 <03=8B>D>= =0 :><0=4K =5 @5038@C5B.0==0O ?@>H82:0 :;NG 2K:;. LG-450TW.BIN = 845><03=8B>D>= LG450TW @>F5AA>@ GMS3977RBB23 0<OBL: !81! 0=0;>3 24!04 VCR LG-doctor. PROZ- HD6433977B82f PPZU-24c16 LV-2275.BIN= VCR LG LV2275 Proc. HD6432197SA 09F Eeprom. 24c16 Video. LA71750 P-23W.BIN= GoldStar P23W 0<OBL 24!16 @>F5AA>@ HD6433976 A48F P-43W.RAR= 845><03=8B>D>= Goldstar >45;L P43W @>F5AA>@ HD6433976 A48F 0<OBL 24!16 R-A20W.BIN= 845><03=8B>D>= Goldstar <>45;L R-A20W ?@>F5AA>@ R-A20P 404710A16FS ?0<OBL 24!01B
File name LV280.txt

Video LG model LV280 Memorie : C810DC ( am montat 24C08) ED48 Procesor :GMS3977RBB19F Nu se aprinde fara ca memoria sa fie scrisa .(nu stiu daca si memoreaza cu 24C08 pentru ca nu am avut telecomanda.)

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