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Now downloading free:HP HP LaserJet 45xx Service Manual Update Mar03

HP HP LaserJet 45xx Service Manual Update Mar03 free download

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File name HP LaserJet 45xx Service Manual Update Mar03.pdf

Color LaserJet Service Manual Update 4500/4550 The following are updates to the latest version of the CLJ4500/4550 combined service manual, part number C7085-90921. Page 14 - The HP LaserJet 4550HDN printer is the base model with a 5 GB hard Document Summary Updates include information that is incorrect or missing in the service manual. Author: Deborah Hahn, ICO Technical Marketing D t M h 19 2003 drive, an HP JetDirect 610 print server (network card), a 500-sheet paper feeder, a duplex unit, and 64 MB of RAM. Page 18 - Figure 1-3 shows a Serial No. that begins with US. Serial numbers for all 4500/4550 printers models begin with JP. Also, the label has Made in Singapore listed and the 4500/4550 labels will read "Made in Japan". Page 120 - Add details on toner level sensing: How does it work? The Toner Level Sensor Assembly is mounted to the carousel drive assembly on the right side of the printer chassis. This PCA provides for continuous toner level sensing. To obtain the toner level, the printer measures capacitance of the toner through the developer sleeve, onto the copper plate in the carousel. Each time the carousel turns, the toner level sensing PCA takes a reading from the cartridge. The Toner Level Sensing PCA then reports these signals to the formatter. How are the readings reported on the Supplies Status Page? The TLS levels reported on the Supplies Status Page (SSP) are an average of the raw information that is reported to the formatter. At power-on, the toner level value listed on the Supplies Status Page is the highest level reported to the formatter through the first 8 readings taken. After 8 readings have been taken, a running average of the last 8 readings is reported on the SSP. The running average continues until the printer is power-cycled, or the top cover is Page 1of 5 opened. If the printer is power-cycled or the top cover is opened, the printer doesn't know if a toner cartridge has been changed, so the process starts over. Due to this averaging the levels reported on the SSP may vary some in the first 8-10 pages printed, up to 10%. The accuracy of the toner level sensing PCA is greatest below 70%. Because of this, the SSP may not report a 100% full level even on a new, full cartridge. A change to the formula for TLS was made to firmware starting with version 1.009.0. Starting with this version of firmware, at power-on if any of the first 8 readings is greater than 70%, the SSP will read 100%. After 8 readings, a running average is still taken. If this running average is greater than 70%, the SSP will read 100%. If the running average drops below 70%, the running average is reported until the cartridge reaches end-of-life. The SSP will never report levels between 99% and 70%. Page 228 - Add 41.X error as follows A temporary printing error Press GO. The page 41.X

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