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Now downloading free:HP HP Jetdirect Print Server 2-250M User Guide

HP HP Jetdirect Print Server 2-250M User Guide free download

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File name:HP Jetdirect Print Server 2-250M User Guide.pdf
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File name HP Jetdirect Print Server 2-250M User Guide.pdf

User's Guide for HP Jetdirect 200m print server/Internet connector and HP Jetdirect 250m print server/Internet connector Contents: 1. Get started quickly with installing the printer and print server 2. Learn the basics of networking and network printing 3. General information about the print server 4. Install the print server 5. Configure and manage the print server 6. Troubleshoot the print server 7. Get support for the print server 8. Specifications and regulatory information for the print server 9. Limited warranty for the print server 10. Some useful tools and techniques Tools Installer Embedded web server Techniques Printing a configuration page Setting a new IP address Performing a cold reset (reset to factory defaults) Get Started Quickly This is essentially the same information as the installation instructions that appear on the HP Jetdirect 200m/250m setup poster. 1. Set up the printer hardware. Refer to your printer's documentation for detailed instructions. Do not connect the printer to your computer with a USB or parallel cable. If your printer's CD is available, keep it handy for use in step 3, below. You will use the printer's CD instead of the HP Jetdirect CD -- it has all the software you need for a complete network installation. When the printer is set up, return to this poster and continue with step 2. 2. Connect the print server. Switch on the printer's power. Plug in the print server. Push it into the printer's LIO slot until it clicks into place. Plug in the network cable. Plug one end of the cable into your network device (a hub, switch, or router -- if your network cabling is hidden in the walls, your connection may be a wall outlet). Plug the other end into the print server. Check the lights. After a few seconds, the status light should be ON (solid green) and one of the two link lights should be ON (solid green). If the lights on the print server are different from this pattern, see the troubleshooting notes on the other side of this poster. Wait two minutes for the print server to poll the network for available protocols and services. Print a configuration page by pushing the test button ( icon). If the page does not print successfully, see the troubleshooting notes on the other side of this poster. 3. Choose the installation CD and run the installer. Windows: Use the CD that came with your printer (instead of the HP Jetdirect CD) if it is available. The printer's CD has all the software you need for a complete network installation. Insert the printer's CD into your computer's CD drive. The CD should start automatically and offer you a choice of buttons -- click on the Install button and follow the instructions on the screen. (If the CD does not start automatically, double-click on

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