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Kyocera 1737 Plus free download

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Parts Catalog W I T H P L U S M O D E L S S E R I E S F S - 1 7 0 0 / F S - 3 7 0 0 Version 1.2/June 98 Contents Screws/hardware 1 - Covers 2 - Frame unit 3- Drive unit 4 - Controller unit 5 - Feed unit 6 - Fuser unit 7 - Cassette 8 - Drum unit 9 - Scanner unit 10 - Developer unit 11 - Multi feed unit 3 5 8 11 14 18 21 24 26 29 31 35 2 Screws/hardware The printer uses the following screws, washers, etc. The symbol numbers for these screws are referred to in the disassembling instructions in the following pages. Caution - To secure a self-tapping screws, align it with the thread carefully. First turn it counterclockwise, then slowly clowise. Do not overtighten. In case the selftapped thread is damaged, the affected part must be replaced with a new part. Appearance Description Bind-head (machine) Size (millimeters) M3×4 M3×6 M3×8 Part # 5MBSPB3004NZ 5MBSPB3006NZ 5MBSPB3008NZ 5MBTPB3006TZ 5MBTPB4008TZ 5MBTPB3010TZ 5MBTPB3014TZ 5MBTPB4006TN 5MBTPB3008WZ 5MBTPB3010WZ 5MBTPB4006WZ 5MBTPB4008WZ 5MBTPB4010WZ 5MBTPB4008WN 5MBTPB4010WZ 5MBTP43005WZ Symbol # E1 E2 E3 C1 C2 C3 C4 D10 A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 B20 B30 F Bind-head S-tite (machine) M3×6 M3×8 M3×10 M3×14 M4×6 - Plated Bind-head B-tite (selftapper) M3×8 M3×10 M4×6 M4×8 M4×10 M4×8 - Plated M4×10 - Plated M3×5 TP B-tite (self-tapper) TP S-tite (self-tapper) M3×30 5MBTP43030TZ G 3 TP tap (self-tapper) M4 5MBTPS3012WZ 5MMT273SZ004 H N E stop ring E5/E3/E4 E5: 5MBCE5060XSW E3: 5MBCE3060XSW E4: 5MBCE4060XSW C2: 5MBNPXX20NSB I S U J/T C stop ring C3/C2 Lock washer M4 K Spring pin f2.5×16 5MBP2516WXSP L Flat T.T. screw M3×12 5MBTPS3012WZ M Nut washer M3 5MMT273SZ004 O Screw stud B M3 5MMT143SZ012 P Screw stud A M3 5MMT143SZ011 Q Pan head screw M3×4 5MBSPP3004NZ R Poly slider - 5MBWK62955NN 5MBWK41653NN V W TP T.T. screw (+) M3×5 5MBTP43005WZ X 4 1 - Covers 5 Ref. No. Assembly Part code FS-1700 5AAY1700E*48 5AAY1700E*36 5AAY1700E*35 5AAY1700U*08 5MVB886CH002 5MVB886CH001 5MVB886CH003 5MVB886CH004 5MVB883CH001 5AAY1700*048 5MVB874CH001 5MMW611LD002 5MVVS1700E*1 5MVVS1700U*1 5MVS651CH001 5MVS651CH002 5MVS651CH003 5MVS651CH004 5MVS651CH005 5MVS651CH006 5MVS651CH015 Description FS-1700+ ¬ ¬ 5AAY17+E**02 5AAY17+U**02 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 5MVVM17+E**1 5MVVM17+U**1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FS-3700 ¬ 5AAY3700E*19 5AAY3700E*18 5AAY3700U*08 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 5MVVS3700E*1 5MVVS3700U*1 5MVS651CH001 5MVS651CH002 5MVS651CH003 5MVS651CH004 5MVS651CH005 5MVS651CH006 5MVS651CH015 FS-3700+ ¬ ¬ 5AAY370+E*02 5AAY370+U*02 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 5MVVS370+E*1 5MVVS370+U*1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ COVER REAR ASSY FD ASSY KEYBOARD ASSY KEYBOARD ASSY COVER FRONT A COVER TOP COVER RIGHT COVER LEFT COVER SIDE COVER REAR ASSY LID TOP SPRING COVER SER. NO. PLATE SER. NO. PLATE PANEL ENGLISH PANEL GERMAN PANEL FRENCH PANEL SPANISH PANEL ITALIAN PANEL DANISH PANEL GERMAN/COLOR 1-1 e 1-1 u 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 e 1-10 u 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 5MVB662CH001 5MVX852CH001 5M

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