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Kyocera EF-1 free download

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File information:
File name:Kyocera Envelope Feeder EF-1.rar
[preview EF-1]
Size:855 kB
Model:EF-1 🔎 EF1
Original:EF-1 🔎
Descr:Service and maintenance manual: Envelope Feeder for FS-1500[A] FS-3500[A]
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Kyocera Envelope Feeder EF-1 Parts Manual.pdf

PRINTER OPTIONS EF-1 PARTS CATALOGUE PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue KYOCERA EF-1 Page 1 EF-1 Parts Catalogue Table of Contents Exploded View (Fig.1) 3 Introduction The figures which follow depict the major assemblies of the printer or option, broken down into components. Following each figure are the list giving the following information: 'Ref No.' Reference number which corresponds to the parts in the figure 'Part code' Part code which identifies the part 'Part description' A brief description of the part 'Quantity' Quantity of the part used in the printer or option Only the parts highlighted in BOLD should be ordered. All other parts are for reference only and are not stocked. PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue KYOCERA EF-1 Page 2 03-003 02-020 03-002 05-005 PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue Fig.1 - Exploded View KYOCERA EF-1 Page 3 05-002 02-006 02-008 05-004 03-001 02-001A 02-019 03-004 02-021 04-001B 03-004 02-003 04-001A 02-022 03-005 02-002 02-013 04-002A 02-005 04-006 02-018 02-017 02-018 04-003 02-012 02-007 02-014 04-007 02-011 02-002 04-008 02-003 02-015 02-016 04-002B 04-005 04-004 02-013 02-009 02-011 02-004 05-001C 02-006 05-001A 05-002 05-001B 02-010 Ref No. 02-000 02-001 02-001A 02-001B 02-002 02-003 02-004 02-005 02-006 02-007 02-008 02-009 02-010 02-011 02-012 02-013 02-014 02-015 02-016 02-017 02-018 02-019 02-020 02-021 02-022 03-001 03-002 03-003 03-004 03-005 04-001 04-001A 04-001B 04-002 04-002A 04-002B 04-003 04-004 04-005 04-006 04-007 04-008 05-001 05-001A 05-001B Part Code EF-1 5SNSP0008507 5SNSP0008508 5SNSP0008509 5SNSP0008510 5SNSP0008511 5SNSP0008512 5SNSP0008513 5SNSP0008514 5SNSP0008515 5SNSP0008516 5SNSP0008517 5SNSP0008518 5SNSP0008520 5SNSP0008521 5SNSP0008523 5SNSP0008524 5SNSP0008525 5SNSP0008528 5SNSP0008554 5SNSP0008555 5SNSP0008556 5SNSPO008558 5SNSP0008536 5SNSP0008827 5SNSP0008532 5SNSP0008533 5SNSP0008534 5SNSP0008535 5SNSP0008519 5SNSP0008537 5SNSP0008538 5SNSP0008539 5SNS130008543 5SNSP0008544 5SNSP0008545 5SNSP0008542 5SNSP0008546 5SNSP0008560 5SNSP0008557 5SNSP0008522 5SNSP0008541 5SNSP0008547 5SNSP0008548 5SNSP0008549 Description ENVELOPE FEEDER FRAME SUB ASSY FRAME PLATE CONTROL HOOK BUTTON RELEASE GEAR Z12 GEAR Z23-Z63 GEAR Z27-Z58 GEAR Z26A GEAR Z26B GEAR Z18 GEAR Z19 BUSHING A BUSHING B SPRING B SPRING CLUTCH ROLLER ASSY A ROLLER ASSY B PAD MOTOR DC MOTOR ASSY SENSOR ASSY A PWB MAIN LEVER SENSOR SPRING EARTH PLATE CENTER PLATE GUIDE R PLATE GUIDE L RACK GEAR Z16 ARM ASSY ARM SHAFT WEIGHT SEPARATER ASSY HOLDER SEPARATER PAD SEPARATER HOLDER WEIGHT SHAFT LATCH SPRING PAD SENSOR ASSY B SPRING A CHANNEL SENSOR COVER TOP ASSY COVER TOP HOLDER CONNECTOR Quantity 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue KYOCERA EF-1 Page 4 Ref No. 05-001C 05-002 05-003 05-004 05-005 05-006 Part Code 5SNSP0008559 5SNSP0008550 5SNSP0008551 5SNSP0008552 5SNSP0008553 5MVVSEF1**1 Description PWB CONNECTOR ASSY COV
File name Kyocera Envelope Feeder EF-1 Service Manual.pdf

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