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Now downloading free:GEC PLESSEY SL1454

GEC PLESSEY SL1454 free download

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Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. For more information on Zarlink's obsolete products and replacement product lists, please visit THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION 2039-2·1 SL1454 WIDEBAND LINEAR FM DETECTOR FOR SATELLITE TV The SL1454 is a wideband FM demodulator designed to operate with a carrier frequency between 70MHz and 150MHz. The internal circuitry of the device is similar to that of the SL1452 except that the quadrature demodulator operates at the input frequency. 0V DEMODULATOR COIL DEMODULATOR COIL 0V 1 2 8 7 INPUT SIGNAL INPUT REF VCC VIDEO OUTPUT SL1454 3 4 6 5 FEATURES s Excellent Threshold s Negligible Differential Gain and Phase Errors s Video Bandwidth Suitable for High Definition TV s High Sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range s Wide Operating Frequency Range: 70 to 150MHz DP8 Fig. 1 Pin connections - top view ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Operating temperature range Supply voltage, pin 6 Input voltage, pin 7 or 8 Storage temperature Junction temperature 210°C to180°C 7V 2·5V p-p 255°C to 1150°C 1175°C ORDERING INFORMATION SL1454 NA DP (14-lead plastic DIL package) QUADRATURE DEMODULATOR COMPONENTS 1k 2k 70p 1k INPUT REF INPUT SIGNAL 7 8 2 3 VCC 6 2k 2p 2p 5 VIDEO OUTPUT INPUT AMPLIFIER DEMODULATOR VIDEO AMPLIFIER 1 4 0V 0V Fig. 2 Block diagram SL1454 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS These characteristics are guaranteed over the following conditions (unless otherwise stated): TAMB = 125°C, VCC = 14·5V to 15·5V, Q = 2, f = 140MHz Characteristic Pin Min. Supply current, ICC Video output voltage Video bandwidth Minimum operating frequency Maximum operating frequency Input voltage Intermodulation 6 5 5 8 8 8 5 Value Typ. 30 0·4 10 70 150 10 250 Max. 35 mA V p-p MHz MHz MHz mVrms dB VCC = 5V Df = 21·4MHz p-p Units Conditions 300 Differential gain Differential phase Signal-to-noise ratio 5 5 5 70 ,61 ,61 % deg dB Product of input modulation: f = 4·4MHz, Df = 21·4MHz p-p and f = 6MHz, Df = 3MHz p-p (PAL colour and sound subcarriers). Df = 21·4MHz p-p. Demodulated staircase referred to input staircase before modulation. Demodulated colour bar waveform referred to waveform before modulation. Ratio of output with Df = 21·4MHz p-p at 1MHz to output rms noise in 10MHz bandwidth with Df = 0. QUADRATURE COIL 2 3 15V 15V 1·75k 5 3·2k 400 400 2mA 1·8k 2·5V 2p 0V 2k 0V 2·5V 2k 640 0V VIDEO OUTPUT 70p 1k 2mA 2p 0V 3mA 0V 1k 8 7 INPUT SIGNAL INPUT REF Fig. 3 Input/output interface circuits 2 SL1454 15V VIDEO OUTPUT 5 6 4 3 40n SL1454 1n 140MHz INPUT 0·1µ 1n 0V 7 8 2 1 82 Q=2 33p Fig. 4 Typical application for 140MHz APPLICATION NOTES The SL1454 FM demodulator has a very simple application with very low external component count. This is demonstrated by the applications circuit diagram Fig. 4, but as with most int

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