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Using a Personal Computer to Program the AT89C51/C52/LV51/LV52/C1051/C2051 Introduction This application note describes a personal computer-based programmer for the AT89C51/C52/LV51/LV52/C1051/C2051 Flash-based Microcontrollers. The programmer supports all flash memory microcontroller functions, including code read, code write, chip erase, signature read, and lock bit write. When used with the AT89C51/C52/ LV51/LV52, code write, chip erase, and lock bit write may be performed at either five or twelve volts, as required by the device. Devices sporting a "-5" suffix are intended for operation at five volts, while devices lacking the suffix operate at the standard twelve volts. The programmer connects to an IBM PC-compatible host computer through one of the host's parallel ports. Required operating voltages are produced by an integral power supply and external, wallmounted transformer. one or two, respectively. If the parallel port is not specified, the program will respond with an error message. The control programs are menu-driven, and provide the following functions: Chip Erase Clear code memory to all ones. The successful operation of this function is not automatically verified. Program from File Write the contents of the specified file into device memory. The user is prompted for the file name, which may require path and extension. The file is expected to contain binary data; hex files are not accepted. The first byte in the file is programmed into the first location in the device. Successive bytes are programmed into successive locations until the last location in the device has been programmed or until the data in the file has been exhausted. Programming occurs regardless of the existing contents of device memory; a blank check is not automatically performed. After programming, the contents of device memory are not automatically verified against the file data. Each programmed location in the device receives the maximum programming time specified in the data sheet. This is done because timing is enforced by software; the programming status informatio n p ro vi ded by DATA po ll in g a nd RDY/BSY is not utilized. The control program provides no visual indication that programming is in progress. The main menu is redisplayed when programming is complete. 8-Bit Microcontroller with Flash Application Note Software Software for the programmer is available by downloading it from the Atmel BBS at 408-436-4309. The programmer is controlled by software running on the host. The AT89C51/C52 and C1051/C2051 have dedicated control programs, which were written in Microsoft C. Programs dedicated to the AT89LV51/LV52 do not exist; these devices are supported by the programs for the AT89C51/C52, respectively. In the text below, all references to the AT89C51/C52 may be assumed to apply to the AT89LV51/LV52 as well. All programmer control programs are invoked from the DOS command line by entering the program name followed by "LPT1" or "LPT2" to specify parallel

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