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File information:
File name:samsung_cable_chart_v1.01.rar
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Size:74 kB
Descr:unlock nokia
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Telephones
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File name SAMSUNG CABLE CHART V1.01.pdf

SAMSUNG CABLE CHART Newer models: C100 CABLE (Skyworks Series) C100, C110, P510 E700 CABLE (Sysol Series) E330, E630, E700, E800, E820, X100, S500, X460, X488, X600 V200 CABLE (Agere Series) C200, C207, C225, D410, D415, D418, E105, E300, E310, E315, E316, E317, E318, E600,E610, E710, E715, P100, P107, P400, P408, S200, S300, V200, V205, X105, X120, X426, X427, X450, X475 D500 CABLE D500, D500E E810 CABLE E810, P730, P735, S341i, S342i, D428, E720 S100 CABLE S100, S105, P777 Z100 CABLE (3G Series) Z100, Z105, Z107, Z110 Older models (Provided by Mestrini, courtesy of UST): A100 CABLE A1XX Unlock/Flash T100 CABLE (A800 / V200 also) A2/5/8XX,RXXX,N2/3/4/5/6XX,T1/2/4/5XX Unlock/Flash Unlock S3XX,VXXX,Q200 A300 / A400 / Q200 / Original V200 CABLE in D/L Mode S3XX,VXXX,Q200 Unlock/Flash A300 / A400 CABLE with Pin 4+5 Shorted A3/4XX Unlock A300 or A400 FLASH CABLE A3/4XX Flash N100 CABLE SGH-XXX,N1XX,Q1XX Unlock/Flash

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