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Kyocera PF-8 free download

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File name:Kyocera Paper Feeder PF-8 Parts Manual.rar
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Model:PF-8 🔎 PF8
Original:PF-8 🔎
Descr:Kyocera Paper Feeder PF-8 Parts Manual
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name Kyocera Paper Feeder PF-8 Parts Manual.pdf

PRINTER OPTIONS PF-8 PARTS CATALOGUE PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue KYOCERA PF-8 Page 1 PF-8 Parts Catalogue Table of Contents Paper feeder for FS-400 (Fig.1) 3 Introduction The figures which follow depict the major assemblies of the printer or option, broken down into components. Following each figure are the list giving the following information: 'Ref No.' Reference number which corresponds to the parts in the figure 'Part code' Part code which identifies the part 'Part description' A brief description of the part 'Quantity' Quantity of the part used in the printer or option Only the parts highlighted in BOLD should be ordered. All other parts are for reference only and are not stocked. PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue KYOCERA PF-8 Page 2 PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue Fig.1 - Paper feeder for FS-400 KYOCERA PF-8 Page 3 01-040M 01-040B 01-005 01-034 01-034 01-040T 01-014 01-015 01-022 01-020 01-016 01-034 01-007 01-006 01-018 01-017 01-019 01-013 01-030 01-040W 01-040C 01-012 01-040R 01-040W 01-040F 01-011 01-023 01-040I 01-040E 01-008 01-040L 01-009 01-040J 01-010 01-040D 01-040S 01-040P 01-040H 01-040K 01-040Q 01-003 01-004 01-040G 01-001 01-002 01-040A 01-040N 01-040S 01-040O Ref No. 01-000 01-001 01-002 01-003 01-004 01-005 01-006 01-007 01-008 01-009 01-010 01-011 01-012 01-013 01-014 01-015 01-016 01-017 01-018 01-019 01-020 01-022 01-023 01-030 01-034 01-040 01-040A 01-040B 01-040C 01-040D 01-040E 01-040F 01-040G 01-040H 01-040I 01-040J 01-040K 01-040L 01-040M 01-040N 01-040O 01-040P 01-040Q 01-040R Part Code PF-8 5MVB886SH039 5MVX321RH001 5MVX862SH002 5MVB885SH026 5MVX873SH013 5MVX332SB015 5MVX522SB016 5MMT811SN001 5MVG148DW003 5MMM176CJ005 5AAVROLL*028 5MVM122DB003 5MMX654SW01 5MVG147DW001 5MVX322NW003 5MVG127DW003 5MMS766LD002 5MMW111LD002 5MVG115DB002 5EZND1204001*01 5MVS621EF001 5MVVSPF8***1 5AACCNNE8GEA 5AAYPF8***03 5AAVCASET191 5MVB886SH038 5MVB882SH006 5MMS851SD001 5MVX764SH006 5MVG126DW001 5MVS861SH001 5MVB642SH015 5MVX761SH002 5MVX631SH005 5MMW552LD001 5MMW411LD001 5MVS617WK003 5MVS637WK001 5MVX322DW002 5MMW161LD016 5MVX322DW003 5MMW161LD017 5MBTP43005WZ Description PAPER FEEDER BASE FEEDER FOOT COVER LEGAL BASE DRIVE LID FEEDER ACTUATOR EMPTY ACTUATOR CASS SHAFT FEED GEAR Z32 BUSHING SBK ROLLER FEED ASSY BUSH POM PLATE DRIVE WORM WHEEL DRIVE MOVER GEAR Z20 WASHER MOVER SPRING MOVER GEAR WORM DC MOTOR FILM DRIVE LABEL SERIAL CONN CORD ASSY PW BOARD UNIT CASSETTE ASSY BASE CASSETTE PLATE BOTTOM PLATE BOTTOM A GUIDE PAPER SIDE R PINION COVER RACK SEPARATOR GUIDE PAPER REAR REAR STOPPER SPRING CASSETTE SPRING SEPARATOR PAD SEPARATOR PAD FRICTION LOCK CASSETTE R SPRING LOCK R LOCK CASSETTE L SPRING LOCK L TP T.T. SCREW(+) Quantity 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 PRINTER OPTIONS - Parts Catalogue KYOCERA PF-8 Page 4 Ref No. Part Code Description CS STOP RING GUIDE PAPER SIDE L CS STOP RING SEPARATOR ASSY Quantity 2 1 2 1 01-040S 5MBCS302

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