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Samsung C138ST free download

Microwave ovens service manual and repair instructions

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MICROWAVE OVEN C138ST SERVICE MICROWAVE OVEN Manual CONTENTS 1. Precaution 2. Specifications 3. Operating Instructions 4. Disassembly and Reassembly 5. Alignment and Adjustments 6. Troubleshooting 7. Exploded Views and Parts List 8. PCB Diagrams 9. Schematic Diagrams LIBRA PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED BEFORE AND DURING SERVICING TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY (a) Do not operate or allow the oven to be operated with the door open. (b) Make the following safety checks on all ovens to be serviced before activating the magnetron or other microwave source, and make repairs as necessary: (1) Interlock operation, (2) proper door closing, (3) seal and sealing surfaces (arcing, wear, and other damage), (4) damage to or loosening of hinges and latches, (5) evidence of dropping or abuse. (c) Before turning on microwave power for any service test or inspection within the microwave generating compartments, check the magnetron, wave guide or transmission line, and cavity for proper alignment, integrity, and connections. (d) Any defective or misadjusted components in the interlock, monitor, door seal, and microwave generation and transmission systems shall be repaired, replaced, or adjusted by procedures described in this manual before the oven is released to the owner. (e) A Microwave leakage check to verify compliance with the Federal performance standard should be performed on each oven prior to release to the owner. 1. Precaution Follow these special safety precautions. Although the microwave oven is completely safe during ordinary use, repair work can be extremely hazardous due to possible exposure to microwave radiation, as well as potentially lethal high voltages and currents. 1-1 Safety precautions ( ) 11. To avoid any possible radiation hazard, replace parts in accordance with the wiring diagram. Also, use only the exact replacements for the following parts: Primary and secondary interlock switches, interlock monitor switch. 12. If the fuse is blown by the Interlock Monitor Switch: Replace all of the following at the same time: Primary, door sensing switch and power relay, as well as the Interlock Monitor Switch. The correct adjustment of these switches is described elsewhere in this manual. Make sure that the fuse has the correct rating for the particular model being repaired. 13. Design Alteration Warning: Use exact replacement parts only, i.e., only those that are specified in the drawings and parts lists of this manual. This is especially important for the Interlock switches, described above. Never alter or add to the mechanical or electrical design of the MWO. Any design changes or additions will void the manufacturer's warranty. Always unplug the unit's AC power cord from the AC power source before attempting to remove or reinstall any component or assembly. 14. Never defeat any of the B+ voltage interlocks. Do not apply AC power to the unit (or any of its assemblies) unless all solid-state heat sinks are correctly

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