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Konica Minolta QMS 2425 free download

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File information:
File name:Konica Minolta QMS 2425 Print System Operation.rar
[preview QMS 2425]
Size:1067 kB
Mfg:Konica Minolta
Model:QMS 2425 🔎
Original:QMS 2425 🔎
Descr:Konica Minolta QMS 2425 Print System Operation
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Konica Minolta QMS 2425 Print System Operation.pdf

406 785%2 3ULQW6\VWHP 2SHUDWLRQ ® ' 7UDGHPDUNV The following are tradem ar ks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Other pr oduct names mentioned in this manual may also be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner s. Register ed tradem ar ks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some tradem ar ks may also be registered in other countries. QMS, Crown, the QMS logo, and the Crown seal are registered trademarks of QM S, Inc., and Stackler, ColorDepth, and PS Executive Ser ies are trademarks of QMS, Inc. PostScr ipt is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated for a page description language and may be registered in cer tain jur isdictions. Throughout this manual, "PostScr ipt Level 2" is used to refer to a set of capabilities defined by Adobe Systems for its PostScript Level 2 page description language. These capabilities, am ong others, are im plemented in this product thr ough a QMS-developed emulation that is compatible with Adobe's PostScr ipt Level 2 language. Adobe/Adobe Systems Incor porated. 3Com, 3+Open/3Com Corporation. Aldus, Aldus PageMaker, Aldus FreeHand/Aldus Cor poration. Apple, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LaserWr iter, LocalTalk, Macintosh, TrueType/Apple Computer, Inc. VINES/Banyan. CompuSer ve /H & R Block. DEC, DECnet, VMS/Digital Equipment Corporation. PhoneNET/Farallon Computing, Inc. Hewlett-Packard, HP, PCL, HP-GL, LaserJet/Hewlett-Packar d Co. IBM PC, TokenRing/International Business Machines Corporation. Intel/Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS-DOS/Microsoft Cor poration. Novell and NetWare/Novell, Inc. QuarkXPress/Quark, Inc. TOPS/Sun M icrosystems, Inc. UNIX/UNIX System s Laboratories. 3URSULHWDU\6WDWHPHQW The digitally encoded software included with your QMS 2425/2425 TURBO Print System is Copyr ighted © 1997 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This softwar e may not be repr oduced, modified, displayed, transfer red, or copied in any for m or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in part, without the express wr itten per mission of QM S, Inc. &RS\ULJKW1RWLFH This m anual is Copyr ighted © 1997 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL 36618. All Rights Reser ved. This manual may not be copied in whole or in par t, nor transferred to any other media or language, without the express written per mission of QMS, Inc. &RQWHQWV ,QWURGXFWLRQ Introduction ... 1-2 About This Manual 1-2 Typographic Conventions 1-4 &RQVXPDEOHV Introduction ... 2-2 Preventing Media Jams ... 2-2 Loading the Media Cassette ... 2-2 Feeding Media ... 2-11 Cassette Feed 2-11 Manual Feed 2-11 Selecting Media Delivery ...

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