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Motorola V3 RAZR free download

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File name:moto V3 S_M.rar
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Descr:Servis manual for Motorola V3 mobile phone
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name BD_V3_L3_C_A3_V1[1].2.pdf

RX MID CHANNELS 850: CH190 -- 881,6 GSM: CH 62 -- 947,4 MHz EGSM: CH 37 -- 942,4Mhz DCS: CH 700 -- 1842,8MHz PCS: CH 661 -- 1960MHz TRK_OSC_OUT ( 26MHz for Digital IF Filter syncronisation) 35 19 20 22 23 16 17 High Band 1800 MHz Low Band 850 MHz 13 14 NEPTUNE LTS U800 Tracking Control 100kHz U150 LNA ALGAE AGC RF Det. L&H Band B5 27 BB Out 28 26 29 BB Out 30 CM IN BB I BB IX (decoupling analog GND) BB Q BB QX RF REG 47 RX Loop Filter RX_CP RF_5V_REG SYNTH_FD_P SYNTH_FB_N TX_CP 44 TX Loop Filter TX_MOD 26 MHz 3 A8 B8 Tracking Osc. N DSP Peripherals accelerator, encryption Timer, Interupts DMA Direct Memory Access Controller POWER M17 A11 E2 K2 K3 J4 L1 R1 VSIM SIM DIO SIM RST VBUCK (VCC + 1,875V) (VCC + 2.775V) IO_REG VCC_OUT (VCC + 1,8V) LNA JSIM 6 2 1 (from PCAP ) LNA LP Filter AGC RF Det. PMA AAF (Post Mixer Amplifier) LNA IF Amp. 100kHz 2 Pole Filter Dual ADC C9 Analog / Digital A9 Converter B9 D9 D5 C4 B6 A6 D4 TX CP HP-Filter RX Charge Pump Digital Channal Filters Digital If Mixer and LO DSP UltraLite 104 MHz DSP Memory SIM Interface SIM CLK SIM PD SIM Connector 1.8 or 3V 4 SIM Card 3,5 GND VSIM High Band 1900 MHz Low Band 900 MHz n 3.6 - 3.9 GHz 5 RX VCO RX EN 9 3.4 - 3.7 GHz 1710 - 1785 MHz 2 880 - 915 MHz 4 EXC EN 36 Super Filter Generator 2,45V 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 18, 21, 37, 43, 48 TXIN_LB TXIN_HB SPI TX VCO 4 Synthesizer Phase Detect Prescaler Shared Memory 1Mbit RAM DATA BUS D0-15 ADDRESS BUS A1-24 VBUCK E4,B6... MCU Memory 42 Synth F/B 720 - 915 MHz 41 D8 XTAL A4 GMSK Mod & Mod DAC (TX) Clock Generator MCU ARM7 52 MHz External Memory U700 Interface 39 38 32 33 31 34 Y805 RF_CS RF_DATA RF_CLK 1 3 26 MHz EXTAL B4 Oscillator U8, V7, W9 A10 D12 B10 T6 U6 W7 N9 G17 K16 W18 V17 J19 T16 T19 L16 N18 P2 N3 M4 P1 L3... D14 E1 C14 C18 M1 C13 U12 V6 T7 T13 W8 V14 U10 B17 G11 G10 A14 PA_REF NEP_IO_REG (VCC) PA_DET LOWB_HIGH TX_EN EUROB_US EXC_EN PA Control (PAC) MQSPI Display Quard Saw Filter and Matching 14 15 12 13 8 9 10 11 High Band 1900MHz High Band 1800MHz Low Band 900MHz FL100 R81 1 3 6 4 Match R80 Match (VCC) L1 Timer SPI GPIO EXC_EN (to Algae) TX VCO FRQ. RANGE 850: 824 - 850Mhz GSM : 890 - 915 MHz EGSM: 880 - 915MHz DCS: 1710 - 1785MHz PCS: 1850 - 1910MHz TX VCO MID CHANNELS 850: CH 190 - 836,6 GSM: CH 62 - 902,4MHz EGSM: CH 37 - 897,4Mhz DCS: CH 700 - 1747,8MHz PCS: CH 661 - 1880 MHz BP BP Low Band 850MHz Internal Antenna A1 (to U800) UART / USB Interface 4 6 Keypad Interface MQSPI 25 23 27 29 32 12 33 11 34 10 E3... A17 C15 D15 V12 W12 D18 B16 C16 A16 G3... W13 T11 V11 B14 T10 UART2 One BaseBand Timer Wire Serial Audio Universal Interface Bus Port Interface Asynchron. BT (rx) (tx) Rx /Tx B15 A12 B13 N13 D16 V13 U13 D19 N17 V16 G8 W5 E3 W11 D13 B12 BLUE_HOST_WAKEB STANDBY_1_5V (framesync) F3 EB1_B (from Neptune) EB0_B C2 RESET OUT K1 FLASH F4 CS0B CS1B D6 R WB F5,D5 OEB J2,H1,H8 D4 BURSTCLK C6 E5 LBAB B5 ECBB G7 4MB Ram LCD_RS 32 MB Flash LCD_CS VBUCK LCD_C
File name BL_V3_A3_BW_L3_8488386N04_B_41.pdf

V3_ 8488386N04_B_41 Service Engineering & Optimization Level 3 Board Layout V3 Alexander Buehler, Michael Hansen REVISIONS 2004.07.08 Rev. 1.0 8488386N04_B_41 Page 1 of 2 V3_ 8488386N04_B_41 Service Engineering & Optimization Level 3 Board Layout V3 Alexander Buehler, Michael Hansen REVISIONS 2004.07.08 Rev. 1.0 8488386N04_B_41 Page 2 of 2
File name SCH_V3_A2_C_L3_8488386N04_B_41.pdf

IO_REG IO_REG BATTERY 3 4 PIN3 PIN4 PIN1 PIN2 1 2 SIM BLOCK SIM_CLK 0687765N01 JTAG TESTPOINTS RESETB TDO TDI HS_INT U1401 R7616 47K 0662057N15 SIDE 1 R1201 100 J_BATT C1425DNP ground KEYBOARD CONNECTOR J_KEYBRD 0989851N02 3989906N01 VR1205 C1427DNP D1426 0662057M50 TDI TDO E_SIM_RST BP ground RESETB RST CLK VSIM_1 IO_REG 4809788E17 1 2 3 TMS TCK VSIM DSP_DEB SIM_RST ground G4 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 G3 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 G1 0989851N02 C1409DNP R1200 4.7K 0662057M90 J_SIM CONTACT VR1204 0687765N01 RESET_OUT_2_7V BB_SPI_MISO BB_SPI_MOSI BB_SPI_CLK BB_SPI_CS6 GA_INT LCD_SDATA LCD_RS LCD_DATA3 LCD_DATA5 C1 A1 C3 A3 RTC_BATT ground TCK TMS VSIM_2 BP RTC_BATT ATI_CAM_IO ground C909 1.0uF 2187893N01 OWB I_O 3989888N01 BATTP MCU_DEB DSP_DEB GND RTCK TRST THERM 6 5 4 ground ATI_CAM_IO C1408DNP R1401 RTCK TRST R1202 100 0662057M50 SIM_DIO EL_EN EL_SUPPLY ground MCU_DEB EL_EN 4.7K 0662057M90 J_VIB VSIM VR1412 0687765N01 ground R1210 5.6K 0662057M92 VVIB 21 5989889N01 ground G2 G1 HAND_SPKRM HAND_SPKRP ground EL_SUPPLY C1402DNP LCD_CS LCD_DATA2 LCD_CLK LCD_DATA1 LCD_DATA0 LCD_DATA4 VIBRATOR VRBB3 15KV B2 CLK_32KHZ_2_7V ground HAND_SPKRM C1403DNP ground ground EMU_3_3V 5188160Y01 4809948D49 VBUCK GA_VCC LT_SNS_CTL ground LDP_DM DM_TXD DP_RXD 4 S2 G4 G3 KBR6 HAND_SPKRP C1404 39pF ground U1200 2587511Y01 2113743N40 FSA1256 8 VCC VBUS P2 3 P1 2 1 S1 GND DM_TXD_OUT DP_RXD_OUT 7 3 B1 B2 S1 S2 4 6 2 1 5 A1 A2 RESETB DLP11SN201SL2 USB_ID C964DNP 4.7uF VR961DNP 16.2V 5 4 3 2 1 VR960 16.2V MINIUSB J_USB 0970312B17 KBR4 KBR3 KBR5 KBR7 KBC0 KBR2 VBUCK C1405DNP ADC_DATA BT_STAT PWR_SW KBC1 KBR0 KBC_2 D800 4809924D27 GA_VCC C1406DNP G1 G2 C3 C1 A3 A1 KBR1 C3 C1 A3 A1 ADC_DATA C1407DNP ground G2 KBC_2_WING PWR_SW ground B2 ground VRBB1 15KV B2 ground VRBB2 15KV J_KEYBRD 4809948D49 4809948D49 SIDE 2 (BOT) BATTERTY SIDE 1 (TOP) JTAG L1422 VIBRATOR J_KEYBRD VIBRATOR SIM PCAP U900 48nH SIDE1 2409414M42 MEM U700 BB U800 ALERTM C1424 15pF 2113743N30 PA U50 EMU SUPPORT BLUETOOTH MIC U150 ALERTP L1423 48nH SIDE2 RF J40 2409414M42 BT_ANT ALERT/SPKR 15KV V3_ 8488386N04_B_41 FL1400 4809948D49 Print @ 11x17; B size ALERTM ALERTP Service Engineering & Optimization Level 3 Schematics V3 Alexander Buehler, Michael Hansen REVISIONS 2004.07.08 Rev. 1.0 8488386N04_B_41 Page 1 of 6 SIM_PD Y805 FA23H 26MHz 1 4809612J53 IN GND1 GND OUT 3 R803 0 0662057M01 BB_SAP_CLK BB_SAP_RX BB_SAP_FS BB_SAP_TX OEB TPSM0_50X0_70 OEB R_WB TPSM0_50X0_70 TPSM0_50X0_70 2 MUX_1 SIM_RST R813 10K 0662057M98 R814 10K 0662057M98 4 MUX_2 TPSM0_50X0_70 R_WB 1 1 1 E800 E803 E804 E805 2 2 2 2 BB_SAP_FS BB_SAP_RX BB_SAP_TX BB_SAP_CLK VBUCK EB0B EB1B RESET_OUT EB0B EB1B Algae MB SPI RF_CLK RF_DATA RF_CS MOD CLK_32KHZ CLK_26MHZ C805 SC1A 0.1uF 211374

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16-04-2020Zebulonite10I like to donate to them for their hard work. Thanks again
29-03-2006denius50710Very usefull for electronic freak like me..
05-03-2006inc20368I don't know if info is good, couldn't open file because file was made in WinRAR. Not many people generally have WinRAR. Maybe it would be better if it was in Acrobat Reader?

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