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File information:
File name:www_pira_cz.pdf
Size:83 kB
Model:FM-radio 🔎 FMradio
Descr:Complette schematic and manual for building FM-transmitter 88-108MHz (stereo, RDS, etc) link:
Group:Electronics > Radio stations
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name www_pira_cz.pdf

Home :: Forum :: RDS Encoder :: Links :: Exit Menu Main page Products Photos Schematics Theory FM TX's Antennas Misc. Gallery Forum RDS Encoder Links Czech Products RDS Encoders Cheap RDS encoders for everybody. Show station name, promotions, news, artist and title of currently song playing, current time and much more on receivers. Many advanced features supported. Full documentation, free software download. The Czech Republic transmitter sites photos Beroun - outlook-tower Beroun - Zahrabska Broumov - city Ceska Lipa - Spicak Ceska Lipa - water-st. Ceske Budejovice - Klet Cesky Krumlov - water-st. Havlickuv Brod - water-st. Chotebor - Pocatky Jablonec n. Nis. - Javornik Jachymov - Klinovec Jesenik - city Jesenik - Praded Jicin - Tabor Jihlava - Straznik Kasp. Hory - Javornik Klatovy - Doubrava Kutna Hora - Kank Liberec - Jested Liberec - Liberecka vysina Liberec - Vratislavice Litomerice - Michalovice Marianske Lazne - Dylen Mlada Boleslav - Bradlec Mlada Boleslav - Chlum Mlada Boleslav - U Doubku Nachod - Dobrosov Pardubice - Krasne Pelhrimov - TVR Pilsen - Kosutka Pilsen - Radec Pilsen - stadium Pisek - Jarnik Prague - Ladvi Prague - Malesice Prague - NTM Prague - Vinohrady Pribram - Drahlin Pribram - Kozicin Rokycany - chimney Sedlec-Prcice - Jav. skala Spindleruv Mlyn - school Susice - Svatobor Varnsdorf - Jedlova Votice - Mezivrata Vrbno p. P. - Annensky v. Vrchlabi - Zaly Zelezna Ruda - Pancir Last update: 12.6.2005 Schematics Dual-speed PLL unit for FM transmitter Easy audio limiter with big dynamic range Simple counter for frequency measurements in VHF/UHF band CCIR standard What is the most important? Some parts parameters, datasheets FM Transmitters Easy FM transmitter 0,4 W FM transmitter 3 W Block diagram Power supply 3W RF part PLL digital tuning unit Limiter Portable FM transmitter 1 W Stereo encoder with limiter Antennas Dipole CZ Groundplane 1/4 CZ 5/8 CZ Yagi CZ Portable hanging antenna CZ Misc. CZ Misc. Bar level indicator DTMF decoder CZ Air-core one layer coil calculator (21 kB Zip file) Need to be inspired? See the transmitters gallery. CZ - available in Czech language only at this time (C) 1999-2005 All rights reserved. Datasheet BA1404 (150 kB Zip file)

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