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Samsung S1A0429A free download

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FILTERLESS WIDEBAND FM IF DETECTOR S1A0429A INTRODUCTION The S1A0429A is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for filterless and coilless FM IF detector used in the cordless telephone. It includes the external 2nd IF ceramic filter and the external discriminator in itself and that realized to be able to reduce the external parts extremely. 16-SOP-225 FEATURES · · · Operating voltage range: 2.0 to 6.0V Typical supply current: 6.3mA at 3V Filterless & coilless FM IF detector -- Excellent demodulation characteristics -- Intermediate frequency is 76kHz -- Include the IF band pass filter (active RC filter) -- Include the phase shifter (for discriminator) -- Dual feedback IF detect system (for the image rejection of mixer) -- The only function to be tuned is the resonant frequency of the oscillator -- Minimum number of external parts required ORDERING INFORMATION Device S1A0429A01-S0BA Package 16-SOP-225 Operating Temperature - 10°C to +70°C 1 S1A0429A FILTERLESS WIDEBAND FM IF DETECTOR BLOCK DIAGRAM AFLT1 16 AFLT2 15 AFO 14 RFin13 RFin+ 12 IFLT1 11 BPF IFLT2 10 RSSI 9 Audio Filter Mixer Path control Limiter vco Demodulator 1 DEMO 2 TMC 3 GND 4 Vcc 5 OSC 6 DECPL 7 IFLT4 8 IFLT3 PIN CONFIGURATION DEMo TMC GND Vcc OSC DECPL IFLT4 IFLT3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 AFLT1 AFLT2 AFo RFinRFin+ IFLT1 IFLT2 RSSI S1A0429A 13 12 11 10 9 2 FILTERLESS WIDEBAND FM IF DETECTOR S1A0429A PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Symbol DEMO TMC GND Vcc OSC DECPL IFLT4 IFLT3 RSSI IFLT2 IFLT1 RFin+ RFinAFO AFLT2 AFLT1 Description Demodulator output terminal, low pass filtering with the external capacitor This terminal stabilizes the control of audio signal path with the external capacitor Ground Supply voltage Local oscillator terminal The external local signal injection is possible as this terminal connects resister to Vcc Internal IF AMP (Limiter) de-coupling terminal for DC bias IF band pass filter terminal for high cut-off frequency IF band pass filter terminal for low cut-off frequency Received signal strength indicator If band pass filter terminal for high cut-off frequency If band pass filter terminal for low cut-off frequency Balanced input terminal of mixer Balanced input terminal of mixer Recovered audio output terminal Audio signal band pass filter terminal for high cut-off frequency Audio signal band pass filter terminal for low cut-off frequency ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristics Maximum supply voltage Operating temperature Storage temperature Symbol Vcc TOPR TSTG Value 7 -10 to +70 -55 to +150 Unit V °C °C 3 S1A0429A FILTERLESS WIDEBAND FM IF DETECTOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc = 3V, fc = 98MHz, fDEV = ± 22.5kHz, fMOD = 1kHz, Ta = 25°C, VRFin = 150µVrms, unless otherwise specified) Characteristics Current consumption Input for -3dB limiting S/N ratio Detector output distortion Recovered audio output AM rejection ratio Symbol Icc VLIM S/N THDDET VO(RA) AMRR Test conditions - AFo =

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