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Now downloading free:Panasonic AN8060

Panasonic AN8060 free download

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File name:AN8060.pdf
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Model:AN8060 🔎
Original:Datasheet 🔎
Descr:Low Drop Type Negative Output (–4V) Regulator with Reset Pin
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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File name AN8060.pdf

AN8060, AN8060S Low Drop Type Negative Output (­4V) Regulator with Reset Pin s Overview The AN8060 and the AN8060S are the low drop type regulators having the function of resetting output voltage. With a comparator to sence reduced voltage builting it is suitable for batteries operation. AN8060 Unit : mm 1 9.4±0.3 2 3 4 6.3±0.3 8 7 · With reset function : bias current at resetting ­5µA · Small input-output voltage difference : IO=30mA, 0.2V · Low Supply Voltage sensing comparator built-in 5 0.51min. 3.8±0.25 (3.45) s Pin Descriptions Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Symbol GND VI VO CADJ GND Input voltage Output voltage Low supply voltage sensing adj. AN8060S 0.6±0.3 0.4±0.25 Unit : mm 8-pin DIL Plastic Package (DIP008-P-0300B) Pin name 3--15° 7.62±0.25 0.15 ­ + 0.1 0.05 RSENSE Low supply voltage sensing output RESET Reset pin DiC DiA Diode pin (Cathode) Diode pin (Anode) 1 2 8 7 6 5 5.0±0.3 0.65 1.5±0.2 1.27 3 4 0.1±0.1 0.3 4.2±0.3 6.5±0.3 8-pin · SOP package (SOP008-P-0225A) 0.15 2.54 s Features 6 0.5±0.1 1.2±0.25 s Block Diagram RESET 8 7 6 RSENSE 5 Current Source * VREF ­ * A + * 1 GND 2 VI 3 VO 4 CADJ * = to VIN s Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Parameter Supply voltage Supply current Power dissipation Operating ambient temperature Storage temperature Tstg PD Symbol VCC ICC AN8060 AN8060S Topr AN8060 AN8060S 500 361 ­20 to + 75 ­55 to + 150 ­55 to + 125 Rating ­12 to + 0.3 Unit V mA mW °C °C s Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C) Parameter Bias current at reset Bias current at no load Output voltage Output voltage tolerance Stable input voltage Stable lock voltage Input/Output voltage difference Reset pin input current (H) Reset pin input current (L) Low supply voltage sending level Output voltage at reset Comparator output current Symbol IRB IUB VO VT VIS VLS VIOS IRICH IRICL VRDL VRO ICO VI= ­6V VI= ­6V, IO=10mA VI= ­4.4 to ­8V, IO=1 to 30mA VI= ­4.4 to ­7.4V, IO=10mA VI= ­6V, IO=1 to 30mA VI= ­3.8V, IO=30mA VI= ­6V, VRESET=0V VI= ­6V, VRESET= ­6V IO=10mA VRESET=0V, VI= ­6V VI= ­4V, VRSENSE= ­3.6V ­1 ­200 ­4.55 ­ 0.1 1 ­4.3 ­4.05 ­4.08 ­4.06 3.6 8 0.1 Condition VRESET=0V, VI= ­6V 2.5 ­3.92 min typ max 5 6 ­3.76 ­3.66 60 60 0.2 Unit µA mA V V mV mV V µA µA V V mA s Characteristics Curve PD ­Ta 1.0 400 PD ­ Ta SO-8D (361mW) AN8060 Power Dissipation PD (W) 0.8 AN8060S Power Dissipation PD (mW) 300 0.6 200 Qj ­ a = 277°C/W 0.4 100 0.2 0 ­50 0 50 100 150 200 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 Ambient Temperature Ta (°C) Ambient Temperature Ta (°C)

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