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Now downloading free:Sanyo CE21A2-C

Sanyo CE21A2-C free download

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File information:
File name:CE21A2-C.pdf
Size:1545 kB
Model:CE21A2-C 🔎 CE21A2C
Original:CHASSIS 2113 EC7-B 🔎
Descr:Service manual and schematic diagram
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name CE21A2-C.pdf

Service Manual Model: CE21A2-C CRT 21" Philips A51EAL155X10 Colour Television CHASSIS 2113 EC7-B Indice 1. Safety instructions... 1 2. WARNING... 1 3. Precaution against X-Rays... 1 4. Recommendations to protect our environment... 1 5. TECHNICAL CHARATERISTICS. ... 2 6. Safety ... 2 7. EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) ... 2 8. CONNECTED DOCUMENTS. ... 3 9. MOUNTED CIRCUITS CODES. ... 3 10. CABINET PARTS LIST ... 4 10.1. CABINET PARTS LIST OF CHASSIS ... 4 10.2. CABINET PARTS LIST ... 5 11. PARTS LIST ... 6 Give complete "SERVICE PART No" for parts order or Note servicing, it is shown on the rating sheet on the cabinet This TV receiver will not work properly in foreign countries back of the TV set. where the television transmission system and power source differ from the design specifications. Refer to the specifications for the design specifications. 02-01-2001 Ref. Nš MS CE21A2-C Service Manual SM CE21A2-C 1. Safety instructions Read this page before doing any operation of adjustment, maintenance or repair the TV set described. Only skilled personnel of Sanyo Technical Service should do the adjustment, maintenance or repair of TV set. 2. WARNING For the correct and safe use of the TV set, it is essential that the service personnel follow the process of safety generally accepted and the safety precautions specified in this manual. An isolation transformer should be connect

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