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File name:Toshiba 32hf72 32hfx72 36hf72 36hfx72 N2PS service manual.part1.rar
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Descr:Schematics for Toshiba 32hf72 32hfx72 36hf72 36hfx72 chassis N2PS.
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File name Toshiba 32hf72 32hfx72 36hf72 36hfx72 N2PS service manual.pdf

FILE NO. 023-200213 SERVICE MANUAL COLOR TELEVISION N2PS Chassis 32HF72, 32HFX72 (TAC0233) (TAC0232) ­ SUMMARY ­ 32HF72, 32HFX72 are the same as 36HFX72 except for the parts tabled on back of this sheet. Use this service manual together with the service manual of 36HFX72, 36HF72 (File No. 020200206). PUBLISHED IN JAPAN, Jul., 2002 So REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST DIFFERENCES Location No. A201 A201 A213 A225 A225 A411 A701 A701 A703 A708 C312 C443 C444 C465 C467 C469 C491 C492 C497 C673 C674 C675 C678 C4641 CD10 CD19 CD20 CD21 CD25 CD41 CD42 CD43 CD44 CD45 CD46 CD47 CD48 CD49 CD60 CD61 CD62 CD63 CD64 CD65 CD66 CS125 K912 * L461 L901 QD41 R218 Part No. 23530371 23530372 23428095 23445611 23445612 23540031 23064255 23064254 23946056 23946057 24591103 24503198 24503198 24503269 24503269 24503269 24503284 24503284 24829333 24669100 24590821 24590821 24669100 24503149 24794470 24567333 24567823 24567683 24567474 24797479 24797479 24797479 24797479 24503041 24567103 24797478 24590472 24797478 24503041 24763221 24232103 24762102 24797479 24797100 24797100 24590393 23306414 23248167 23200455 23000189 24367333 Description Front Cover (32HF72) Front Cover (32HFX72) Door (32HF72) Button, Power (32HF72) Button, Power (32HFX72) Back Cover Carton (32HF72) Carton (32HFX72) Packing, Top Packing, Bottom PF, 0.01?F CF92T3Q682HA CF92T3Q682HA CF92T3B912HA CF92T3B912HA CF92T3B912HA CF92T2G224JA CF92T2G224JA PF, 0.033?F, 400V EL, 10?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) PF, 820pF (32HF72) PF, 820pF (32HF72) EL, 10?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) CF92M2E335KA EL, 47?F, ±20%, 16V (32HF72) PF, 0.033?F (32HF72) PF, 0.082?F (32HF72) PF, 0.068?F (32HF72) PF, 0.47?F (32HF72) EL, 4.7?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) EL, 4.7?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) EL, 4.7?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) EL, 4.7?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) PF, 0.1?F, 63V (32HF72) PF, 0.01?F (32HF72) EL, 0.47?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) PF, 4700pF (32HF72) EL, 0.47?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) PF, 0.1?F, 63V (32HF72) EL, 220?F, ±20%, 16V (32HF72) CD, 0.01?F, +80%, -20% (32HF72) EL, 1000?F, ±20%, 10V (32HF72) EL, 4.7?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) EL, 10?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) EL, 10?F, ±20%, 50V (32HF72) PF, 0.039?F (32HF72) Remote Hand Unit, CT-90087 (32HF72) Coil, Choke, TLN3327AD Coil, Degaussing, TSB-2412AT IC, TA2136N (32HF72) CF, 33k ohm, ±2% Location No. R601 R602 R663 R664 R674 R675 R690 R691 RD01 RD02 RD10 RD11 RD18 RD19 RD41 RD42 RD43 RD44 RD45 RD46 RD47 RD63 RD64 RD65 RD66 RD67 RD68 RD69 RD70 RD71 RD72 RS124 RS125 * T461 Part No. 24011822 24011822 24011822 24011822 24011683 24011683 24011392 24011392 24366102 24366223 24366472 24366332 24366223 24366102 24366102 24366432 24366114 24366132 24366473 24366513 24366392 24366103 24366103 24366122 24366821 24366152 24366681 24366101 24366105 24366101 24366105 24011152 24011562 23236722 23787493 23787494 23787492 23787893 23312987 23565661 Description Chip, 8200 ohm, 1/20W (32HF72) Chip, 8200 ohm, 1/20W (32HF72) Chip, 8200 ohm, 1/20W (32HF72) Chip, 8200 ohm, 1/20W (32HF72) Chip, 68k ohm, 1/20W (32HF72) Chip, 68k ohm, 1/20W (32HF7

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