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Satellite tv, digital satellite receivers, satellite descrambler,DVB and other satellite equipment service manual and repair information

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Size:130 kB
Model:345645hjdvghj 🔎
Original:bvnhj 🔎
Descr:humax updata
Group:Electronics > Satellite equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name readme.txt

Humax ToH3.3 HoTplugged v5.5 B ============================== - Mediapark Fix Humax ToH3.3 HoTplugged v5.5 ============================ - PW Portal Fix (by Padawan) - Nagra optimization - Spice Fix No PMCT-Update necessary for normal use !!! It is recommended that you don't modify that readme or firmware to publish that work in your own name. So if you don't get along with this little agreement, HoT will stop the public accessibility of new releases in the future. So: DON'T MODIFY FIRMWARE OR MODULES!!! LAST CALL !!! HoT Humax ToH3.3 HoTplugged v5.4 ============================ not released Humax ToH3.3 HoTplugged v5.3 ============================ - Cabo Fix - Irdeto Card-Fix Humax ToH3.3 HoTplugged v5.2 ============================ - ORF fix when PW-Card is used - PK0 AU (Nagra) on Key2+3 (wait some minutes) - tps crypt optimized - version 2.1 of CATONE Conditional Access Tool included (thx to that team) thx also to Humax & D-Mon HoT CATone V2.1 - Key Edit select CA system by rcu colors; - in case current channel is decripted by emu the editor should start showing actual provider and key in use marked in red (in Irdeto,Beta it only shows 1st Iredto provider); - Provider name for known providers is shown; - Fully implemented CAT and PMT parser. 3 views available : compact, full, hex data; - views and preferences are now stored: -> possible to use different color schemes for a-start menu, about and help b-key editor c-parser d-ecm-dw -> preferred parser view is stored for both CAT and PMT (may be different) -> at each calling CATone starts recalling last stored views. -> CATone preferences (and other things :) ) are resetted when reloading complete setting list. CATone is free. Nothing may be modified. Neither FW nor Strings. This readme should accompany any CATone distribution. Enjoy. SuD

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